13 - Flowers

229 11 1

CW/TW - Pre-established main character  death, fantasy AU, loss & grief



Blue was gorgeous.

A known fact, really.

Nightmare had yet to meet a person who disagreed with him.

Not like anyone would. Who would tell the King of Negativity that his beloved wasn't the most perfect man in the Multiverse?

Exactly, no one.

People flocked to him; he was beautiful, and sweet, and kind. He was so passionate about his interests and it was infectious. He wasn't perfect, but he was really damn close.

Nightmare didn't think that he would ever get over the fact that out of everyone in the multiverse, Blue had chosen him. Blue had wanted him.

The day their lips, their bodies, first connected was forever melded into his memory. It would never leave him be, and he would never want it too.

The kingdom, every resident: man, woman, and child, adored him as well. That made making him the crown prince a rather easy transition.

That was how the monarchy worked, had Nightmare married a woman (or even been remotely attracted to women), she would've become a princess, not the queen. Had Nightmare passed while Blue was prince, only then would he become a king.

That's how it worked. Nightmare had made the system himself.

"My king?"

Nightmare looked up from his desk, he was getting nowhere with his work. He needed to distract himself from the current event at hand. It was hard, and he needed any distraction he could get.

"Yes, Cross?"

"The welder's finished his work, sir. Would you like me to go get it?"

"No. I will retrieve it myself, thank you, Cross." Nightmare said, sitting up and stretching his back as he stood. He walked past Cross, hands neatly folded behind his back.

"Sir, I-"

"Don't." Nightmare held up a hand, stopping Cross in his tracks. "Please."

"Right. Of course."

The leaves on the trees shook on their branches as he exited the castle, crossing the courtyard before heading into town. Everything was quiet, as if the world has stood still.

It hadn't, though, and Nightmare knew that better than anyone.

Life would continue on, no matter what.

The town itself was also quiet, no sound of merchants or children playing. He wished it wasn't though. He needed things to be normal. To pretend to be normal.

His shoes tapped against the bricks, announcing his presence to his people.

Any other day, people would've cheered for him, adorned him with flowers, and whatever else they did to treat him like the royal he was. He never did care for it, but he found himself longing for it now more than ever.

The welder's shop was located near the center of town, a few buildings down from the uptown fountain. He wandered down the street, ignoring the occasional looks at him through someone's window.

"Ah, my king." The welder, an older gentleman by the name of Lonan, opened the door before Nightmare could even touch the handle. "Welcome in, please. Make yourself at home."

Nightmare gave him a kind, passing glance, before stepping into the shop, needing to duck his head down to avoid bumping into the door frame. His gaze followed Lonan as he trotted through his shop, fidgeting with his leather vest.

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