09 - Bridal Carry

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"Oh my goodness." Nightmare cooed, twirling a portion of Blue's hair with her claw-like finger. "Such a strong Royal Guardsman you are."

The warlock, a woman of immense power and stature, who called herself king and took down kingdoms without issue. King Nightmare's magical abilities were nothing to be scoffed at, her power was incredible, and no person could rival her abilities.

And yet, here she was, being carried like a damsel in distress by an even more distressed royal guard.

Blue, the sweet thing, was very nervous. Holding one of the strongest magic users in the world was not something that happened every day.

"God, aren't you pretty? So strong too. I could use someone like you, you know. You'd make such lovely eye candy..."

Blue shifted Nightmare in her arms, a trail of sweat trailing down her neck. "You're not supposed to be here."

"And yet here I am. Are you going to drop me?" Nightmare gently caressed Blue's cheek with her sharp nails.

"No- of course not but-"

"Fantastic. I sort of like being carried by you. Makes me feel like I'm more of a damsel than a powerful king. Maybe I should take you home with me."

"I'm sorry?!"

"I mean, working underneath Error isn't very fun. I don't really like the guy. He's boring, unimaginative, and insane. I can't imagine being a guard for him of all things."

Blue bit her lip, Nightmare wasn't wrong. Working under Error was odd, boring, and especially dangerous. The guy had enemies, and the guards were always taken out first. Blue couldn't count all the times she'd almost been murdered.

"Yeah, it's not-"

"Shh. Don't speak. You're listening to me now." Nightmare adjusted herself in Blue's arms.

"You'd make a good addition to my team. A sweet thing you are, really."

"How do you know who I am?" Blue breathed, almost speechless.

Nightmare cocked her head, placing it against Blue's shoulder. "You worked under Dream for a few years. He and I are...close."

"How so?"

"Irrelevant." Her voice was suddenly harsh and Blue felt like shutting up forever.

"I know who you are, Blue. I know what you're like. What your abilities are. I may even know more about you than you do."

Nightmare played with her nails and Blue shifted, the weight of holding Nightmare up for so long was catching up to her.

"Set me down." Blue complied and staggered back. Nightmare was tall, taller than Blue expected.

Maybe it was the heels, maybe it was the size and height of her, or maybe it was the amount of magical power and dominance radiating from her. But Blue felt so small, like a bug about to be crushed underneath Nightmare's boot.

She even flinched when Nightmare came closer to tuck some of her hair behind her cheek.

"You're right to be afraid of me. You're cute when you quiver."

"I-" Blue's sentence was cut off by a scream as Nightmare scooped her up. She was being carried bridal style, much like she had carried Nightmare before. Blue felt weightless. It was an odd feeling.

"And I thought I liked you carrying me!" Nightmare laughed and Blue, still stunned, looked up at her in confusion.

"I think I like seeing you in my arms a lot more."


I wanted to write about some ladies >:)

561 Words

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