Chapter 5: Falling

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Its been a couple weeks since Nina's moved to Salt Lake. She's become really good friends with the friend group, Kourtney, Gina, Carlos, Seb and Ashlyn. She's also become very close with Ricky. The two have been pretty much inseparable. They've been talking nonstop to each other. All the girls at East High are jealous of Nina because she's now Ricky's best friend. Especially Lily. She's been watching them very closely, but Nina's chosen to ignore it after remembering what Kourtney told her.

{At School}

The preppy, blonde haired girl got up onto one of the lunch table, holding a microphone.

"Ahm...attention East High Wildcats!!", she said causing everybody to turn towards her.

"Friday, which is tomorrow, is when were holding the dance team tryouts! Basketball season is coming up which means.... the East High Wildcat dancers are going to be performing and cheering for them! If you're brave enough to tryout...we'll see you tomorrow after school!", she explained, getting off the table.

Nina rolled her eyes, "She is so annoying."

Everybody looked at her.

"Why? Cause she hangs out with Mr. Jerk face during basketball practice?" Gina scoffs.

EJ nudges her, "Gi...calm down a little babe."

"", Nina said turning away.

Carlos and Seb walked up to their table.

"Nina! You should totally tryout! You'd be you'd get to be with Ricky...he's always watching the dance practices." Carlos said.

"Whattt? Guy' do not wanna see me dance...", she nervously laughed.

"It worth a shot..." Kourtney said shrugging her shoulders.

"I mean...I did do competitive dance for like...6 years in Colorado."

"See! You should do it!", everybody said together.

"Ugh...I'll think about it.", Nina said, as she took a bite of her sandwich.

As she was swallowing, she heard footsteps behind her and turned around to see Ricky.

"Oh, hey Bowen."

"Yo trying out for the dance team?", he smiled.

"Eh...maybe." She replied.

"You should...but wanna come over tonight?"


Ricky nodded and then walked off with his friends as Nina turned around to see her friends staring at her, smirking.

"Guys! Stop...we're just friends." Nina whined.

"That's like me saying this orange... is purple.", Seb said looking at the piece of fruit, "A big fat lie."

Nina rolled her eyes and got up from the table, walking out of the cafeteria.

"We better watch her rant later tonight or tomorrow morning...", Gina said giggling.

After some time, the bell rang, and everybody got up to go to their next classes.

It was finally their study period, so Nina went into the study hall room and took out her homework. As she started working, she heard a group of boys walk in.

"Roberts!", Ricky shouted.

"Hey there", she looked up.

"Homework?! C'mon..."

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