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That's what the world saw now. Radiant, a once massive continent brimming with life, both good and bad, light and dark. Now however... it was burning to ashes. Thousands of years had been passing, and the darkness of the world was coming to swallow it up, just as foretold in ages past. However, high above, up on what was the highest mountains of Radiant, The Peaks of Oblivion, someone was watching. Upon that mountain, were old ruins of a once grand city, laid to rubble and waist, crumbled stone and metal all worn down. The city rose steadily from the bottom of a mountain to its middle, where a grand cathedral was, its massive double doors long destroyed. However, at its very peak, there was someone... waiting. The mountain had a cliff overseeing all of the land underneath, a front row seat to the chaos down below, the winds of the once snowy mountain now warm from the flames and embers. On this mountain, there lay a massive skeleton, a massive beast, long dead. It was the bones of the old dragon of that mountain, for not even he could withstand the test of time forever, and his time had come a few ages past, his mighty skull resting on its side as if sleeping peacefully, the two horns resting over its forehead, old and crumbled. It wasn't the only body however. There were many, much smaller bones, all scattered around the plateau, like an ancient battlefield made into a graveyard. They were humans, demi-humans, monsters, dragon-kin, whatever race you could think of, almost all of them were here, old and crumbled bones surrounded by the rust and dust of armor and blades. Next to the great dragon skull was a large rock, carved and chiseled into a seat, as if the mighty monster had laid there one last time to sit with someone else. And that someone else was here. There sat on the stone throne, was someone almost as old as the dragon who left those bones. A very special demi human.

He sat there patiently, his gaze set on the fires that dotted the landscape, hearing the crumbling of earth and snapping of wood from flames even from so high up. The figure sat there, sitting in the dark shadow of his stone seat, the sun barely able to peek in from the clouds behind him. He may have been a demi-human, but you would be forgiven if you mistook him for a demon on first meeting. His hair was short, but black as night, his eyes red with slits for pupils. Out of his hair sprouted two wolf-like ears, twitching as they listened to the chaos down below, the fur black and almost charred looking in color. From his shoulders sprouted two monstrous wings, scaly and mighty like a wyvern, with three vicious claws at their bends, like an extra pair of hands as they rested on the arms of his seat, gripping into the throne so hard that it left cracks in the stone. His hands rested with them, his fingertips ending in short claws, sharp as daggers. One of his legs was pulled up onto the seat, covered in smooth dark scales like plates of light armor, his heels propped up like a beast, ending in three toes with large curled talons. Slinking down from the chair, a long winding dragon tail rested on the floor, twitching at its end, sliding across the ground slowly. He looked almost like a nightmare in the making, and to some, he most definitely was. He sat there on that mountain, as still as stone, watching the blaze with a blank face, as if the inferno in front of him meant nothing. But his eyes narrowed as he heard something different, and his ear twitched. Someone was making their way over from behind, trying to be stealthy... and failing. Miserably. He knew they were there long before they had arrived, but how he could know that was a slight mystery. As he heard them come closer, he spoke out, his voice smooth and cold.

- "If you're going to strike me without me noticing, I'd stop trying. That trick got old a few hundred years ago..."

His tone was almost bored sounding, like he had gone through a song and dance like this too many times already.

-"I figured as much... I was told your gaze was all seeing."

-"Not all seeing, I just see deeper than most."

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