Chapter Ⅲ: Farewell Fight.

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-"Why did you do it by the way?"


-"ʂʤɶʁʒ me. Take me in. Why did you do it?"


-"Because, I ᳧᳡ᳲᳳᴽᵠᵟᶭᙠɸ... I saw ʤʢʑʉɮχʱ..."


-"...Well, thanks again. I mean it."

"I know you do. Now, back to the training-"



A flash of light filled the blank dark void as Zack opened his eyes, apparently having drifted off as he snapped back to the land of the living. He had been sat down on the bench out in front of his home next to the training dummies, sharpening his sword when he had closed his eyes for a bit in thought. As he opened his eyes and let them adjust to the sunlight, he saw Marika standing in front of him... like, right in front of him, as in, face a foot away in front of him. She was leaning forwards over him, blocking some of the sunlight behind her, her tail slowly waving back and forth. Today she was wearing her simple green top and black combat leggings with boots, no armor on her, but her sword strapped to her hip for some reason. She gave a quick giggle and smile as he woke up.

Marika-"Morning sleepyhead. Tired?"

Zack huffed and leaned back, putting his hands on the back of the bench before rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

Zack-"Yeah I suppose so. Worked a lot on the cart yesterday."

It was the day after his venture into the woods for ore, and it was about ten in the morning, Zack having intended to train and work on the cart more, but as was stated by her, he apparently passed out. She gave a sigh and sat down right next to him, towering over him a little, and making him slightly shift to the side since she decided to sit so close.

Marika-"You could at least sit in the shade of your house so you don't get a sunburn."

She gave a stretch of her arms and back before letting her arms fall and rest on the back of the bench as well, and while she was simply trying to get comfy, Zack had to try and ignore the fact that her chest stuck out from stretching.

Zack-'You know, if she wasn't so damn childish, I would think she was doing this on purpose.'

Hollow-'Innocence doesn't equal obliviousness, but I know what you mean.'

He gave a nod and looked ahead.

Zack-"Yeah well when you're tired you don't exactly think about the little things, but thanks for caring."

He looks over again, tilting his head as he sees her ears twitch from the light wind.

Zack-"By the way, what brings you up here?"

Marika-"Checking up on you of course."

Zack-"Me? You know well enough I can take care of myself."

She huffed and looked over, crossing her arms as her own head cocked to the side.

Marika-"I know that. I'm checking up on you cause you're leaving soon like me. Leaving home behind, you know. It might weigh on a guy like you?"

Zack-"I'd expect it to have more of an affect on you considering how you are. Leaving everyone you know behind isn't something I really expected from you."

She paused and turned her head forward, looking down at the dirt in thought.

Marika-"Well, I never said it didn't. I am going to miss everyone here... but I also can't lie and say its starting to get a little boring, and I long for something new."

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