ACT ONE: The Beginning Chapter Ⅰ: Dark End, New Beginning Untitled part

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"Radiant... That is what they called the great continent, for it was said to originally be a land meant for the gods themselves. In the beginning, before humanity took their first steps, it was said that the world would be a blank empty slate, lands filled with gray and void. And then, came Xerios. Xerios saw this world as something that could be turned into more than a land of sea and rock, and while it was thought that he made many realms, it was this time that he decided, he would let others do the crafting and overseeing for him. First, he took the stone and earth, paving the way for land in the vast water, creating a home for those that would dwell within. Next he would make the races to inhabit them, those being that of humans, dwarves, giants, and elves. They were the first to inhabit the land, and they were the first to taste the breath of life. They were given life, and free will of their own to make their own good and bad decisions, they were given magic, the ability to access the arcane and use it to their advantage and harness the elements, and finally, they were given soul, the power of their wills that would determine who they were, and for some, grant them power above most. Then came those who would oversee them. The gods themselves."

"First there was Firren, The great god of life and death, holding both in the balance, granting people good life and health, and guiding them to their resting place at their end. Then there was Virtus, the god of order, justice, and light, who would rule over the day and give clarity to what was right. Then, there was Somnus, brother to Virtus, and the watcher of night and dark, who would be the gazer and guardian to those who walked in the shadows of night. Then, there were four others, who would make their choices for what they would wish to govern over. One of the first to choose was Troi, who saw that humanity could be good and reasonable, and also hard working, so he would reward their honesty with good luck, being the god of truth, good commerce, and productivity, a simple yet honest god. Then his brother chose, and he became Discord, deciding he would have a rivalry with his brother, he would become the god of trickery, deceit, and luck, offering a chance to those who decided that they would go for a more... dishonest living. Then came Lennesha, who became infatuated with the idea of love and affection, and thus became the goddess of love, lust and temptations, offering affection to all who were willing to give back, and encouraging mortals to enjoy the pleasures of life with others. Then came Nevanna, who was fascinated by not humanity at first, but the creatures who walked alongside them, and therefore, made her own, proclaiming herself sister to Firren, and goddess of monsters and creatures all, creating many of the beasts that wander the world today. And Finally, as a last arrival, Nevanna had gained an affection for humanity, as she came to watch how they could not only conquer nature, but learn to have a love and respect for it, and so, after one chance encounter, she married and ascended a human who had taken her fancy, raising him to godhood, as he took the name Rennaris, the god of free will and nature, for he lived as free as the wind, and showed that one could overcome nature, while respecting it for what power it held, and through her bond with him, she made the many races of Demi-Humans that wander the land."


"Time had settled, and life was slowly developing into a steady system for the god's to watch over... but the god's and world were made in balance, and to counteract all the good that had been done, evil would soon be made. For you see, on the world that came to be, Somnus saw the creation of beings that chose to dwell in the shadows rather than light, and who would wish to bring about chaos, rather than peace, and in the hearts of mortals, darkness was twisted, and they let their own negativity control them, and soon, it seemed that the god of dark and night himself would let his own shadows coil around his soul and mind. One day, Somnus came to his brother Virtus, speaking of an omen. In his gaze, as he looked through the stars, delving into the flow of time where even the other gods dared not peer, he saw something... something that shook his very soul, drawing it into a deep place. A world of flames and dark, swallowing up the one they had been made to guard. Virtus had also gained a feeling from this vision, but he had seen the change slowly happening in his brother, and tried to put a stop to it... but his judgment and accusation soon caused the very thing he wished to stop. Somnus was accused by his brother of causing this great end, and of him wanting to overthrow the others, being jealous of them for their place in the light while he was made to dwell in the shadows, but the once calm and somber god of night would remain calm no longer. The dark emotions dwelling within finally took their hold, and in a fit of rage and hate, he released his negativity, and the two brothers fought each other, light and dark clashing, but Somnus would soon be felled, being weaker than his brother. The other god's saw the corruption that had taken hold, and sided with Virtus against his darker brother. Somnus, consumed by his own dark, gazed upon the world and land of Radiant, and out of spite, he decided that if his own family of god's would shun him for his foresight and nature, then he would be the one to bring the prediction to reality. He came to mortals hidden in the darkest corners of the world, and muttered unto them these words, a final prediction to set things in motion."

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