These words are a bit personal Annairb Htims

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I believe I'm broken for you, but you won't know that until I tell you or show you. What that means is that I love you. I don't know how and I don't know why, but something in this world has drawn me towards you. Time has confused me and I don't want you to read this thinking I'm a crazy person for you. I hardly know you, but I want to know more. I want to spend my life with you, but that's too much for me to tell you or ask for. If you are with another person right now, then I'm happy for you. I just wish I could've been that lucky guy or girl.

I've gotten to the second paragraph and I'm at a loss for words. I literally can't think of any more words to say besides you're beautiful.

You are my moon that shines until this earth's ending and I don't think I can explain it any better than that. I've figured out my meaning because of you and you don't even know that. My writing is because of you! I would've ended it a long time ago, but you showed up. My love for you made me write my pain. You made me love, love. Every time I see a romance movie, I think of you, Annairb. I'm in the middle of writing a story and I just had to write this for you or to whom may see it, before or after I die. Hopefully, it won't happen tomorrow.

I hope I have the guts to tell you I love you in person before I die, but for now. I love you, Annairb, I want to be your Superman, I want to be your Henry Cavill, and I want to be your Leonardo Dicaprio or whatever you need me to be for you.

I don't know if I may keep coming back to this document to write about you. Instead of just creating a new document. I really hate writing this bullcrap because it's making me sound crazy. I want to stop writing because I'm writing about a person I hardly know. I know you don't want to love a person who doesn't love themselves, but what's crazy is that I'm starting to love myself more and more as I create stories. Yeah, but you don't know that because I don't know how to tell you.

I got pretty close when we were talking about horror movies and that was the last time we (chatted) to each other. I just know I should've told you then, but I wanted to wait until I've made money from my craft. Which is writing books for you and many people around the world to see, but mainly for you to see. If you read my book, you would probably think I'm crazy because my book is my theory of you. I hardly knew you, so I made up a story about your parent's past and I don't know if it's true. I'm sorry if this is strange to you, but I just had to write my feelings for you and I just couldn't leave it in my head. I hope I can show you my feelings and my dream.

I'm sorry, and if you don't want me I'll just delete my memory of you that seems heavenly to me. This may go on forever because I keep writing about you. I keep coming back to read this and I feel I need more to say, I just don't think I know the right words to end it with. Something feels off, but I don't know what it is right now. Not about you, it's just that I'm thinking of something as I write. This feels strange...I'm lost right now, I can't think of any more words to write.

I'm back to say, "I want to talk with you again Annairb."

I go days without thinking of you, and then you come back to my brain.

I feel like a broken record at this point. You...I can't seem to use words to describe you anymore...

I want you to see me as the person for you...I know there's some kind of connection between us...maybe someone else will find me, or maybe I'll find them. But Ann, if you are the one for me and we don't meet paths. Then I'll keep writing for another story in my life, and Don't won't be about you this time.

"All of this bullcrap sounds crazy."

"Share this to the world if I die."

-Malcolm Xavier Porter-

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