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Previously: Five didn't like his family was saying bout his friend and crush so he went upstairs.

Five P.O.V

Five's inside thoughts
*can't believe they would say that about Sydney they don't even know her*
*On second I barley know her myself, but that's not the point*
*But most importantly why would they drag my best friend into this we've been friends since the sandbox, but now they think something's up with her*

Five's P.O.V

"Five wake up, it's time for school."My mom whispered

"Can't I skip, plus it's Friday which is technically the weekend." I whined

"Nope, now get up and get ready I don't want you being late for the second time this week."she said while walking out

<Skip to school>

It was time for my first period class which is biology, I don't really pay attention in that class since I have the highest grade. To be honest I'm an honor student in all of my classes which means I don't have to pay much attention in my classes. I can't wait for lunch to start so I can see my friend and future wife.

"Five, are you listening to what I'm saying?" Mrs.Bergman asked

"Huh, sorry I was spaced out." I said snapping back into reality

"Alright please pay attention to these instructions they will help you understand what to do for the project."

-skip to the end of class-

I was just about to leave for lunch when the teacher called for me before I left.

"Hey five, can I talk to you before you leave." She said looking concerned

"Yeah sure, what's up?" I asked confused

"Are you okay because you've seem to be out of it lately and that's never happened before, is everything alright, would you like to talk about it?"she said

"Sorry there's nothing to talk about just didn't get a decent amount of sleep that's all." I smiled somewhat lying

"Okay well if anything is bothering you fell free to stop by if you need someone to talk too." She said

I nodded and head out the door making my way to the cafeteria.


After waiting in line and getting my lunch I headed to the usually table I'm always at with my friends but now I'm more excited since Sydney will be eating with us everyday.

As I was about to sit down my smile slowly faded as I remember what my family had told me about Sydney and Mya , there's no way that what they said could be true idk about Sydney but I know for a fact that for Mya it's not true because she's my best friend and we tell each other everything.

"FIVE!" Mya somewhat shouted

"Hm, what happened" I asked

"You were spaced out for a really long time are you okay?" She asked

"Yeah I'm fine just didn't get enough sleep." I somewhat lied again

"I can tell that you're lying." She stated

"What makes you think I'm lying." I said defensively

"Five I'm your best friend come on now plus you looked down when you said it." She pointed out

*I really need to work on my lying skills*

"Oh yeah, haha." I laughed nervously

"Alright now tell me what really happened." She demanded

"I'm sorry I can't tell you I really wish I could but I can't." I apologized

"But fine...we alway tell each other everything." She said a little hurt

"I know but I can't tell you this one." I said sadly while getting up

I grabbed my lunch tray and threw the food in the trash can since I was no longer hungry.

Mya's P.O.V

I wonder what's going on with Five I've never seen him act like this before, I hope he's doing okay. Usually five and I tell each other everything but I have a secret that I'm keeping from him I'm not ready to tell him yet bows not that right time idk when will I ever tell him or how he will react but for now it's best if I keep it to myself.

Sydney's P.O.V

Considering that's I just met five the other day I'm surprised the kid didn't try to make a move on me but something weird has been going on lately but mostly with me, I feel like wherever I go I can hear what people are saying without opening their mouths except for Mya and Five which is weird but honestly this has never happened before maybe I'm just over thinking it and it's not really happening. I'll just ignore it for now.

End of chapter
Sorry it took me so long to upload I've been busy with college applications and Senior stuff but hope you enjoyed this chapter💕

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