6 pt1

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Sydney's P.O.V

•Next morning•
I woke up to the sound of my alarm I went to shut it and saw that I got a text from my friend Mya asking if I were ready for school (btw I found out that we were going to the same school). It was currently 6:30am and I had to be at school by 8:05 because that's when classes start but I had time. I went to the bathroom and showered and brushed my teeth,  as I finished doing what I had to do to get ready I went back to my room to get dressed into this

 I went to the bathroom and showered and brushed my teeth,  as I finished doing what I had to do to get ready I went back to my room to get dressed into this

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I wanted to look presentable for the first day, I texted Mya to come over since we were walking together.

Me-Hey come over right now if you want.

I headed downstairs and eat my because I needed to eat breakfast I took my phone out to see what time it was and saw that it was 7:40 and right on cue there was a knock on the door

"I'll get it." My dad slightly shouted while walking over to the door

"Hey Charles is Sydney ready." She question

"Yeah, she in the kitchen eating breakfast you want some?" He asked

"No thanks I already ate before I got here but thank you." She smile

I finished eating my food and went to put my plate in the sink, grabbed my bag and phone and started walking over to my dad and Mya

"HEEEYYYY." I squealed

"HEEEYYYY." She squealed back

We hugged each other and started laughing at how dumb we sounded. We said our goodbyes to my dad and headed out the door.

"It's your day how do feel." She squealed

"I don't know I'm kinda nervous, what if I don't fit in." I questioned

"You will trust me and even you don't you have me I can introduce you to my friends if that makes you feel better." She suggested

"I would love that can't wait to meet them." I smiled

"Wait what time is it?" She asked

"Ummm it's 7:59." I stated like it was nothing

We both looked at each other with wide eyes and realized that we were going to be late

"We gotta run I can't be late on my first day."I shouted

"I can't be late because my period 1 teacher hates when I'm late." She shouted back

After a couple minutes of running we finally made it to the school before the bell rang

"Okay we made, the front desk is over there she'll give you your schedule if you feel lost text me." She said

"Okay,thanks." I said

"I'll see you later." we said in unison

I made my way to the office and sat down on one of the comfy chairs waiting to talk to someone. A lady's with red hair and glasses came out she looked like she was in here early 40's

"Hello what can I help you with sweetheart." she asked

"Hello my name is Sydney, I'm just transferred here and I was-." I was about to finish my sentence till I got cut off

"You were wondering I could print out your schedule?" She said finishing my sentence

"Yes ma'am." I smiled

"Alright give me a minute and I'll have that ready for you, have a seat over there."

After a couple minutes of waiting I finally got my schedule

"Here you go Sydney." He said handing me the paper

"Can someone walk me to my classes please." I asked

She nodded and headed back to her desk and called someone, I waited on the comfy chair waiting for someone to show me my classes
~3 mins later~

Someone walked through the door and it was MYAAAAA I got up and hugged her

"I assume that you two already know each other." The lady assumed

We both chuckled and said out goodbyes to the lady and made our way out

"Alright let me see your schedule." She said


"Looks like we have every class together except Bio." She said

"Sick we get to be in classes together." I said

We continued talking and finally made it to our first class (geometry) we walked in which caught the teachers attention

"Ahh, I see we have a new student come introduce yourself." She said

"Well my name is Sydney I just moved here I live with my dad and 3 sisters and yeah that's it." I smiled

"Thank you and it's nice to meet you, you can sit down next to Sydney."she suggested

I nodded and headed over to where Sydney was sitting and gave her a small grin and the teacher continued her lesson.

I gonna make a pt2 to this chapter because idk if I can fit everything in here, but sorry for taking to long to update I've been busy with school and got lazy. Hope you enjoyed this chapter

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