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It is currently 6 in the morning, and the couple are still coudled up to each other on their bed. Taehyung's arm was on Jungkook's waist, while he nuzzled his head on Jungkook's neck.

A couple of minutes later Jungkook woke up dew to the alarm he set, he turned the alarm off and looked at Taehyung he smiled. He can never get over the President's sleeping look. He look's so warm and huggable, like a teddy bear.

Jungkook stroked Taehyung's hair, then tracing his ear to his jawline, with his fingers. Jungkook tried to wake Taehyung as calm as possible, but he thinks it won't work by just tracing his face with his hands.

So he decided to wake him up with a good morning kiss, or should he say kisses. He started kissing his forehead, then his nose, then his left cheek and right cheek, and lastly his lips.

But the President didn't wake up, so he kept on repeating what he did a while ago, kissing him every where around his face, with the sound of smooches.

He giggled to himself because he thought its silly, he stopped kissing him and decided to let him sleep because he thought maybe the President is tired.

But when he's about to get off the bed, Taehyung pulled him by his waist and hover over him.

T: Where do you think your going huh?

The President teased the younger, as the younger got shy and didn't say anything. He just hid his face by his hands.

T: Oh my baby is shy now?..... Where was that bold and silly Jungkook who just kissed me many times?

Jungkook didn't answer and just giggled. Taehyung swear, it was the most beautiful thing he heard, first thing in the morning.

T: Since you didn't answer,....... Its my turn.

Taehyung said, as he held Jungkook's hand and pin it on the bed, and then he started attacking him with kisses. The younger giggled and chuckle. While the President smiled to himself while kissing him.

Then he stopped, he looked at the younger straight in the eyes and said...

T: Good morning, love...

Jk: Good morning, my love...

Jungkook answered, after they greet each other good morning, they shared a one sweet and intimate kiss. It lasted for about 2 minutes until they pulled off.

T: Let's go...

Taehyung said, as he got off on top of Jungkook, and carried him bridal style.

Jk: Where we going?

T: To take a shower.... Together

Jk: what no! ....... My love.... Stop put me down I'm going to wake Eunwoo up.... And prepare breakfast...

Jungkook said as he tried to get out of Taehyung's strong grip, but it was no use. So he just let Taehyung do whatever he wants. And they ended up showering together.

After both got showered, they changed into their attire, Taehyung in his work suit, and Jungkook in his casual attire.

Then Jungkook went to Eunwoo's room, when he got there he saw Eunwoo sucking on pacifier, still asleep.

He carried Eunwoo, he carefully and slightly rock him up and down. As Eunwoo felt he's in his mother's embrace, he leaned closer feeling the warmth.

Minutes later, Jungkook felt two strong arms hugging his waist. Jungkook already knew it was Taehyung, so he leaned in.

Taehyung rest his head on Jungkook's neck while back hugging him. Making it easer to reach Eunwoo from behind. He kissed his son's forehead, and kissed Jungkook's cheeks.

Eunwoo felt his father's kiss, he opened his eyes and saw Taehyung making faces for him. Eunwoo giggled and squel, clapping his hands and kept saying papa.

Jk: It looks like he's your favourite now, my love.

Jungkook chuckled why saying those, he noticed how attached Eunwoo is to Taehyung, and for him it's so endearing.

T: Love, don't say that..... He likes and loves us both equally...

Jk: Yeah right.... He doesn't even want to take a bath unless it's you whose bathing him...

T: It's just guy things.... Right baby?

E: Bwig boy twings mama...

Jk: Okay okay you big boy, time to take a bath...

E: Bwig boy twings mama..... Me and papa onwy...

Jungkook looked in disbelief, are this two man in his life, really thinks he's a girl? But he chuckled and handed Eunwoo to Taehyung anyways.

Taehyung chuckled at Jungkook's first reaction, he found it cute. When Jungkook handed him Eunwoo, he kissed his(jk) forehead and wink.

Jungkook glared for a while, then he went out but before he could Taehyung slapped his ass. Making him hiss in pain. He glared at Taehyung, but let it slide when he saw the President's boxy smile.

He smiled at Taehyung before walking out heading to the kitchen. After Eunwoo's bath, he and Taehyung directly went to the kitchen.

When they got there, they saw various kinds of food on the table. They ate and talked for a while until its time for Taehyung to go to work.

He kissed Eunwoo on both of his cheeks, on his forehead and bid his goodbye. Then Jungkook and him shared a blissful kiss, then parted.

He bid his goodbyes ones again before heading out of the mansion. And drove off to his Presidential work.

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