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Then a man burst to the door, laughing evily, then he looked at Mr. Kim and got shocked, but smirked.

Mr.J: Ahh.... Kim Jeogyu, my old friend. How are you?

T: where is my son you prick!

Mr.J: hahaha.... The great Mr. President is here....dont worry buddy your son is..... Well not quite safe.. Hahaha....

Mr.K: what do you want?!!

Mr.J: chill Jeogyu..... I just want for us to catch up. It's been exactly 25 years since we've seen each other.....lets have some coffee first.

T: can you cut the crap, and tell me what you really want?!!

Mr.J: I guess little Kim here is getting impatient huh?..... Your son is also my grandson, of course I will not let him be fed to those dogs. Hahahah

T: what did we do to you? Huh? Why the fuck do you need to include my innocent child here?!!

Mr.J: what did you do? WHAT DID YOU DO?!...... Nothing. Its just that when theres a Kim blood running through your veins I grew that anger towards you......

T: you are very unreasonable! If you hated Kims why not just the adults who can fight you? Why do you need to include a new born!! Why do you hate Kims anyways?!

Mr.J: why? Hahahaha WHY?!?... BECAUSE YOU TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME!!.... You Kim Taehyung! I should be the President! I should have many carriers by now! I COUDVE RULED SOUTH KOREA BY NOW!! ... But what did you do? You became the hero everyone wants, and saving them and freeing from the underground!

T: what the heck? Just that? And your anger grew to like this? Tskk bullshit!

Mr.J: oh not just that little Kim..... Your father was always the one who gets praised by our elders. He always acts better than me and made me feel like a dirt-

Mr.K: because that's what you are!

Mr.J: SHUT THE FUCK UP!! You took the girl of my dreams from me! You took Eunna away from me! You married her behind my back! And then made her pregnant and gave birth to this asshole president!!

Mr.K: we were in a relationship before you both met! She was the one I was always talking about!!...... Can you just forget the past an-

Mr.J: NEVER! never Kim! I'm not gonna forget how you made me a fool, following every of your orders and comands!!!.....and now, you need to pay for it!.... I'm going to make your only son follow my orders!

T: as if I would follow, I'm not dumb.

Mr.J: sure.. Not dumb enough to follow my commands and save his son... Hahaha

T: just get to what you want already!

Mr.J: well okay...... In order to save your son, we are going to play hide and seek....im going to hide your son, Don't worry, I will give you clues, and you need to look for it, so that you could find him easily..... But! There's a twist..... You need to do all of this in 15 minutes. If you can't find your son right before 15 minutes..... Say bye bye to your precious baby... Hahahahah

T:.... Shit......

Mr.J: Starting the first clue... Look at your feet.

Taehyung immediately looked down, and saw the paper opposite, he was confused and was thinking really hard. And then he finally realised what it meant.

The only way out of the room is the door, and they are standing opposite towards it, and so he was guessing it was the right answer.

Mr.J: I guess you knew what it meant little Kim?...... Well then the timer starts now!

And so Taehyung ran outside the room, he checked the walls for clues, but there were non. But then when he passed a cabinet he saw a key. And it says "RTOHOIMRD".

It git him confused for a while, then he scrambled the letters and got "Third Room". So he hurriedly grab the key and went to the third room.

When he got there, he immediately unlocked the door. Then he saw a vault, and a paper piece beside it saying "What's the password".

He almost luagh at how easy this clue is, so he typed "What's" to the vault, and it opened, revealing another key, and a piece of paper saying. "2.1,L".

He was thinking, and thinking until he finally got it, 2nd florr 1rst room to the left. He immediately went upstairs, he glanced at the clock and saw 7 minutes had past, he fasten his phase and went to the room.

When he opened the door he saw another note, saying "count down to five". He was confused but he did anyways. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1" and loud gun shots were heard outside.

Taehyung sighed in frustration, as he didn't know what to do, he isn't even closer to finding his son, and now they are battling outside.

Taehyung didn't waste time and went out of the room, he decided to just find his son and not follow the clues. Just then when he stepped, the wodden plank made sound and sooner got opened.

He saw there was a not saying "last chance Kim....hahahah another clue.
"the higher the better". Now this got him confused, why on earth would someone put such clue?

Just then he thought "the higher the better" which means they are in a high place, and so Taehyung thought of the roof top.

This house has 5 floors, till you reach the roof top, it has elevators, but since it's very old and abandoned, they were broken so he has to take the stairs.

Taehyung ran up to the stairs faster than he ever ran. And then when he got there, a siren was heard. And then Mr. Jeon came out of nowhere, holding Taehyung's child.

T: alright, I found you. Now give him to me, please.

Mr.J: you are right Taehyung, you found him.....but you are 1 and a half minutes late.... Hahah.... What did u tell you? You say bye bye to this baby, if you ever be late. And what heppened? You were late so, let's say bye to the baby.

Mr. Jeon stepped on a plank, he extended his arms, looking at Taehyung, whose smirking.

T: p-please I'm begging you, don't you dare drop my child.

Mr.J: that's nit begging Mr. Kim..... Hahahaha

And then Mr. Jeon, let go of the baby making him fall.
. See you at the next chapter
So hey guys thankyou very much for reading this book. Also I want to say thankyou for the almost 12k views and almost 800 votes. I am very much thankful to all of you. I hope you guys are doing well, you are healthy and happy. And please ignore the mistakes of this chapter. Thankyou very much. Love you all💜💜💜

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