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Hello my lovely amazing readers,

I came as the bearer of bad news today.

I will be putting this book on hold.

I know I know, "sxveme how dare you", but i have to. Right now I have zero drive or motivation for the fanfic. Of course I still love this family deeply but right now I am focusing on my own writing that can possibly lead me into a career.

I am focused on my own story that I will hopefully get published if my contact doesn't fall through.

I'm sorry again that I am doing this but right now I have to for my own sanity and well being.

Not to fret! I will be back. As I get farther along in my own book hopefully I'll be able to return to this and continue on the story planned for the Barnes.

I want to thank everyone for their overwhelming support and kindness with my series. If it weren't for you constructive criticism, compliments, and engagement, I wouldn't have been able to improve as a writer as much as I have.

All of you are the reason why I am pursuing my all-time biggest dream of becoming an author so thank you again for everything you've done.

This isn't the last of me though.

Love you all dearly

— sxveme

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