The One With the Dress

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It was always Lily's goal to have Bucky officially adopt her son, even though everyone around them knew that Hunter was Bucky's son through and through. Having the official documentation for it and legal requirements was something Lily knew would stop whatever Scott was planning. He had signed the papers, and there was nothing he could do to reverse what had was done. It felt like the world around her had become brighter, and she could breathe easier. Lily finally had the family she longed for; now, all she had to do was acquire the marriage certificate declaring her a Barnes legally. It was only fitting that their first act as a legally bound family together was binging movies in the living room while Stella complained that she couldn't choose the film.

"I told you," Bucky grinned as he plopped down next to Lily again, turning his attention to Stella, who was petting Alpine, "When you turn 8, you can choose the movies."

"Too far away," Stella grumbled as she picked up the cat, cradling it in her arms, "When was Hunter allowed to pick the movies?"

"Ten, actually," Hunter chimed in as he followed from the kitchen shortly after Bucky, popcorn in hand and two dogs at his heels, "So count your blessings, brat."

"Hey now," Lily warned, sending a careful glare towards her son, "Watch it, you."

"Am I wrong?" Hunter teased, tossing a piece of popcorn at his younger sister, "Listen, Stell, the next time it's you and I alone, you can pick the movie."

"Wow, right in front of us," Bucky chuckled, running his flesh hand through Chandler's fur, "How dare you expose your secrets?"

The family erupted into similar laughs, all enjoying the serenity that fell over them. Cedar had stayed in the basement while the four had their night together, thanks to Lily pleading. She knew that her brother missed being a part of the family, but she still couldn't completely trust him from where she stood. After everything that happened all those years ago, she wasn't sure even the kindhearted Cedar Osborne could heal the wounds he made in their relationship. However, he should consider himself lucky. If Lily had acted on her more anger-driven emotions, he would have found himself thrown out onto the street having to fend for himself. But the eldest Osborne was an admitted empath and had a bleeding heart, especially for her family.

Lily was aware of how complicated her family dynamic was from the outside. Her parents were imprisoned with their youngest son just released. The eldest was engaged to one of the most known men globally, while the middle sister followed suit and ended up with the Captain America. If Lily went into the full depth of her and her family's story, she was sure people would wonder how she wasn't in years of therapy. The answer was simple; she stopped forcing relationships that didn't work. She also did attend therapy every so often.

But looking around at her two children and soon-to-be husband, Lily knew that she wouldn't have changed how things went. If anything went different, she wouldn't have the life she had now. She was sure she and Bucky wouldn't have wound up together if it weren't for her being a single mother in Manhattan with an over-excited kid. Everything worked out for the best, or so she hoped.


"Up we get," Lily grinned as she jumped onto Hunter's bed, waking the groaning teenager, "C'mon, you and dad are going tux shopping. While Stella and I have an appointment to find me my dress."

Hunter groaned and whacked his mother with a pillow, earning an over-dramatic gasp from the blonde. Lily grinned and slid from the bed, taking hold of the edges of the comforters, yanking them entirely off of the boy. A loud and obnoxious groan rang through the room as Hunter curled into himself, still refusing to leave the warmth of his bed. Lily raised an eyebrow and nodded, accepting the challenge he was giving her this morning. Without a second thought, she slid from the room silently, beckoning the two massive dogs that laid on her bed, waiting for Bucky. They wasted no time hopping down and darting into Hunter's bed, ambushing him.

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