Chapter 7

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Rena's POV

"Morning sunshine," Ryland teases, glancing down at my shirt. Mom looks over, reads my shirt, then rolls her eyes. I grin.

"What are you up to today, Ren-"

"We did it!" Ross screeches, sliding across the hardwood floor as he runs into the kitchen. "Rocky, we did it! R5 made the top three bands!"

"Top three bands in what?" My younger brother questions, just as confused as mom and dad. I sigh and lower my head.

"Masked Star is going on tour and her label had interested artists submit audition tapes for being her opening act. R5 is one of the three bands left! We might open for Masked Star!" Ross screams, jumping up and down like a fangirl. Mom and dad rush over to congratulate him and Rocky since the other three band members aren't here at the moment.

"That's so exciting! When will you guys find out?" Mom asks, hugging Rocky tightly.

"This afternoon. The three bands have to go to the label and perform for her manager, the people paying for the tour, some representatives of the label, and her," Rocky answers, avoiding my hard stare. Since when do they have to perform for me? Why wouldn't Julia warn me about this?

"Well I hope you guys win, obviously," Ryland laughs, fist bumping Ross then Rocky.

"What about you, Rena? Want to wish your brothers luck? They're going to have to leave soon to get the others," dad tells me. All five people turn to face me. I swallow hard.

"Good luck. May the best band win," I finally say as I stand up from the table.

"You could've been a little nicer, Rena," mom scolds, walking over to me. I shrug and walk away before she can hug me.

"Rena," Ryland calls as I speed walk towards the front door.

"Can't talk now. I have to go," I shout back, slamming the front door behind me. I sprint down the sidewalk, dodging a couple of people walking their dogs and two kids that are riding their scooters.


"Julia!" I shout, walking into my manager's office.

She looks up at me and frowns, "What's wrong, Rena?"

"Why didn't you tell me that R5 and the other two groups have to perform in front of me?" I whine, acting like a brat.

"First, lose the attitude," Julia commands. I sigh, but stop pouting, "I tried to tell you yesterday on the call, but you hung up on both Gracie and I before we could get in what we were trying to say."

"What was Gracie trying to tell me?" I question, sitting down in one of the chairs on the other side of her desk. Julia shrugs.

"I was going to tell you to not bring up the audition tape to your siblings. They weren't publicly released and if you suddenly knew about it even though they didn't tell you, it would look suspicious," Gracie answers, walking into the office. She hugs me tightly. "So how did it end up going with your brothers, anyways?"

"I didn't talk to Ross and Rocky heard you say I am Masked Star," I reply, lightly hitting her arm.

"So he knows now?" My best friend demands. I nod.

"Ha! That's one less Lynch that is going to be absolutely pissed off at you! And speaking of the Lynchs, you need to go get changed!" Gracie teases, pulling me out of the chair. Julia points to the pile of clothes I had for today. I groan dramatically, grab my outfit, then go to the bathroom to get changed.

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