Sunset Confessions- Ponyboy Curtis

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This chapter is about Ponyboy Curtis asking you to hangout after school. You agree and Pony takes you someplace special :)

Relationship: Friends to lovers

Words: 1k

POV: Third person

Italics= Your thoughts


The school bell rang loudly and giant flocks of students crowded the hallways. You wished your teacher a good weekend and joined the students in the hallways. While walking towards the main door, you felt someone grab your elbow. You smiled when you saw that it was your friend Ponyboy Curtis.

"Hey Y/N," he greeted.

"Hey Pony. Any plans for the weekend?" you responded.

"Not really. I was actually wondering if you wanted to hangout tonight," he said.

Your heart beat faster and your palms got sweatier, but you didn't let him know that.

"Sure. I'd be happy to," you said confidently.

"Cool. Meet me here at seven. I know a place we can go to," he said.

"Cool. See you then, Pony," you said and smiled.

He smiled back and walked away from you. Because you were talking to him, you didn't even realize you were outside. You took a deep breath and started walking home.

You've been close to the Curtis family since you were really young. But you've had a big crush on the youngest Curtis brother for some time now. You two had been friends for a long time and you were afraid that asking him out would make things awkward between you. You loved hanging out with him, but it was nearly impossible not to confess your feelings to him every time you talked. Maybe tonight would be your big chance. You pushed this thought away because when Pony asked to hang out, it usually meant that you'd be hanging out with his brothers and his friends.

When you reached your house, you rushed inside and tore through your closet looking for something nice to wear. When you pulled out the perfect outfit, you immediately threw it on. You got your homework out on your desk but for some odd reason you didn't know, you couldn't focus on it. At 6:40, you decided to make your way to the school. Though it only took ten minutes to get there, you felt the need to be early. You practically ran out the door and down the street.

When you got to the school, you were surprised to see that Pony was already there. And he was alone. You smiled to yourself as you made your way to him. You noticed that he was biting his nails which was something he does when he's nervous. You greeted him and he smiled.

"Hey Y/N. I hope you don't mind if it's just the two of us," he said.

I don't mind one bit.

"Of course not," you said with a smile.

"Good. Well if you don't mind, I'd like to bring you to that place I was talkin' about," he said.

You said you didn't mind and he led the way. He brought you through a small patch of woodland area and finally through a small field. There was an old log sitting there and he invited you to sit down.

"This is one of my favorite spots in town," he said.

"Why's that?" You asked.

"Cause when the sun goes down, all the pretty colors come through the trees. It's real pretty," he said with a smile.

You smiled and looked up at the sky. "What time is sunset?" You asked.

"The sun should go down any time now," he said.

Sure enough, the sun started to go down. The sunset was a mix of red, pink, orange, and yellow. It looked like the sky was on fire. While you were watching the beautiful sight, Pony was watching your reaction. He loved the way your eyes lit up when you saw something you liked. And he couldn't help but notice the way your eyes lit up when you saw him.

"I've never shown anyone this spot before," he said to you once the sun had gone down enough.

You looked at him and smiled. "Really?"

"Yeah. It's always been a special place for me to go without distraction. So I could read or write some poetry. But I'd like to share it with you," he said.

"That's so sweet. Are you sure?" You asked.

"Yeah. I'm sure," he said.

"Pony I-" you began.

Before you could speak more, he interrupted you.

"Before you say anything, I'd like to tell you something," he said.

You nodded your head. The familiar feeling of a heart pounding erupted in your chest. Your palms became sweaty as well as your forehead.

What is he doing?

"I've liked you for some time now, Y/N. I really have. But I couldn't tell you cause I was nervous of ruining our friendship. And I really hope I didn't ruin it by telling you," he said quickly.

You stared at him with wide eyes for a moment.

"I like you too," you said slowly.

His eyes went wide and then a smile formed on his face.

"You do?" He asked.

You nodded and smiled. "I have for awhile," you said.

"Well... uh... can I kiss you?" He asked.

You nodded and he leaned in. Your lips crashed together and you forgot how to breathe.

Can this really be happening? Is Ponyboy Curtis kissing me?

When you broke apart, you stared into his eyes.

"I've been thinking of doing that," Pony admitted.

"Me too," you said and went in for another kiss.

When it got dark, Pony grabbed your hand and walked you home. When you reached your house, you kissed Pony's cheek and went inside.

You both did a little victory dance on either side of the door.


A/N: Woah! My first imagine on Wattpad! I know this isn't the best writing, but I think I'll get better as I write more and more. Stay tuned for another chapter and I'll let you know when it's up on Tiktok (

-Bee 💛

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