The Pencil- Sodapop Curtis.

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This story is about Sodapop catching you staring at him during class :)

Relationship: Acquaintances to Lovers

POV: Second Person

Words: 1,063

Italics= Your Thoughts


Please don't look at me. Please don't look at me. Oh God he's looking at me.

You thought as you walked through the hallway. You were passing by a group of boys that were all too familiar. Their names were: Ponyboy Curtis, Two Bit Mathews, Johnny Cade and, most importantly, Sodapop Curtis.

Sodapop Curtis was easily the most good looking boy in the whole school, so it was natural for you to have a crush on him. Though you thought about him everyday, you've never had the courage to go up and talk to him. And he's never tried to talk to you. In fact, he's never even looked at you until now. Your eyes slowly moved to the side and there he was. And for just a split second, your eyes locked. You looked away as soon as possible, but you could still feel his eyes on the back of your head.

You were going to math class which happened to be the only class that you and Soda shared together. You quickly took your seat in the middle of the classroom and took out your books and pencil case. You hoped Soda would decide to skip today, but as per us usual, he strutted through the door like he owned the place. Your eyes darted down to the book in front of you, but you could still hear Soda greeting the teacher.

Then he walked over to his desk, which was a few seats away from you. You could hear him taking out his books, so you figured that he was distracted. You gave yourself permission to take a quick look at him. Your eyes slowly moved to where he was sitting.

He looked very nice today. His hair was neatly combed and his clothes didn't have a speck of dirt on them. That was quite unusual because he was always working on cars and wrestling with his friends. As you were looking at his cheekbones, he suddenly looked up at you. You nearly jumped from the surprise. You immediately moved your eyes back to the book on your desk.

Holy shit! Way to go idiot. Now he's gonna think that you're a creepy stalker that was checking him out. Oh God please just let him forget. I'm never looking at him ever again-

"Hey Y/N," you heard someone say.

You looked up and saw Soda standing over your desk. He was leaning on the desk next to yours and smiling.

Oh my God he's talking to me.

"Hey Soda," you said and turned your body so you were facing him.

Why is he talking to me?

"I was wondering if I could borrow a pencil. My little brother took my pencil case this morning," he said.

Oh. He only wants a pencil.

"Oh. Sure," you said and pulled one out of your pencil case.

He reached out to take it and for a moment your fingers touched.

"Thanks Y/N. I'll give it back at the end of class," he said and winked at you.


You watched as he walked back to his seat. Then you turned your attention to the teacher, who started talking.

"Good morning, class. Please take out a pencil, your book, and your scissors," she said and turned to right something on the chalkboard.

You couldn't help but look over at Soda again. You saw that he was taking scissors out from his... pencil case?

Why did he ask me for a pencil if he has his pencil case?

You quickly looked away before he could catch you again. The teacher went on with the lesson while scribbling away at the chalkboard. You wanted class to end so that you could talk to Soda again.

When it finally did, you packed your stuff up and looked up at Soda to see what he was doing. He was chatting with the girl next to him. A sudden realization came over you.

He was just borrowing a pencil. He probably he won't even remember to give it back.

You threw the rest of your stuff in your bag and said goodbye to the teacher. You quickly walked out of the classroom and down the hallway. You walked into your next class and tried to forget Soda's stupid, adorable smile.

At the end of the day, you walked out of your last class and made sure to keep a lookout for Soda. When you got outside, you waited for your ride.

"Y/N!" You heard someone call out.

You turned around and saw Soda running towards you. Your heart beat faster and your palms got sweaty. When he got to you, he handed you your pencil.

"Thank you Soda," you said.

"I was gonna give it back this morning, but when I turned around you were gone," he said.

"I totally forgot I had given it to you," you said with a smile.

Stop smiling so much, idiot.

"I've got something to confess," he said.

"Me too," you blurted out.

Oh my God why did I say that? What the hell is wrong with me?

"You first," he said with a smile.


"Today was the first time we ever talked and you seem very nice. I've never seen someone sprint to return a pencil," you said.

Alright. Good job playing it off.

"Honestly, I only asked you for a pencil this morning so we could talk," he said.


"Really?" You asked.

"Yeah," he began with a laugh. "And I was wondering if you'd like to go to the movies tomorrow night. We might have to bring my little brother, but he'll give us some space," he said.


"Uh- Yes. I'd love to," you said.

"Cool. I'll pick you up at 8:00?" He asked.

"Sure. My address is...," you said while writing it down for him.

You both talked for awhile until your ride honked their horn. You apologized for having to leave and then waved goodbye.

"Thanks for the pencil!" Soda called out.

"No problem!" You called back.

When you got in the car, your ride smiled at you.

"Why are your cheeks so red?" They asked.

"No reason," you said and smiled to yourself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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