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"Chan, how are you feeling?..." I hear Felix's voice through the door. "I already told you, Lix. I'm... I'm fine." I hear him sigh and the door slowly creaks open. I turn around and look at him, trying my best to put on a smile. "I know you're not okay. You haven't been yourself since they left. Why don't you come out of your room for a while? Have some brother bonding time?" I shake my head lightly.

"I don't feel like it. I just wanna be alone." Felix walks over and sits down next to me on the bed. "You know this won't make things any better, right?" I scoff and look at the ground. "Then what should I do? Tell me Felix, what do you think I should do?" "I'm glad you asked. You can start off by accepting your feelings." "What feelings?" Felix rolls his eyes and puts his hand over my shoulder. "The feelings you have for Minho, silly. Don't deny it, we all know you like Minho."

I open my mouth to protest, but nothing comes out. I sigh and fall back onto the bed. "Fine, you're right. I do like Minho. But I was... an idiot. I didn't tell him while I had the chance and now he's gone. Now please just let me be sad in peace." Felix jumps up from my bed with a wide smile. "YES! FUCKING. FINALLY. You admitted it! Yay!" "You shouldn't be so happy. He's gone. Forever."

"But there is a way you two can be together." I look at Felix with disbelief. "No, we can't! I. wasn't spawned, I came to hell because of a sin. Plus, Minho doesn't even like me back-" "Says who? He told me himself that he likes you. A lot. He just kept it to himself because he didn't wanna hurt you."

"Oh really? Well I'm hurt now and there's nothing anyone can do about it." Felix grabs my arm and yanks me up from the bed. "Don't be so negative! You know Seungmin's grandpa, right? He was here because of a sin and he still went to Earth. That means there's gotta be a way for you to do that too! Come on, let's go ask Seungmin!" Felix starts dragging me out of the room I've pretty much locked myself in since the three boys left.

After a short bike ride to Seungmin's place, we walk inside and Felix waves when he spots the dandy boy.  "Seungminie~ I need to ask you something~" Felix skips his way over to Seungmin while I slowly walk behind him. Seungmin looks at me with a questioning expression. "Hey Chan, Innie told me you haven't been out of your room since they left. Are you feeling better? And Lix, you can ask me anything. Come inside, I'll get you something to drink-" "No, Seungmin, that's okay. It's kind of urgent," Felix says, clearly way more excited about this than I am.

To be honest, I don't think any of this will work.

I've done a sin and now I'm in hell. There can't possibly be a way to go back to Earth. I mean, yeah, Seungmin's grandpa did it. But that could be because of his connections with the ruler of hell, Satan. "Oh, okay. So what's your question?" Felix nudges my shoulder and I look at him with wide eyes. This wasn't my idea! He should ask. He nudges my shoulder again, but harder this time, making me groan and roll my eyes. 

"Felix had this crazy idea that there's a way for me to go back to Earth. Your grandfather did it, so he thinks I can too. I told him it's not likely but he forced me to come here and-" "Wait, Chan. There is actually a way." Felix's face practically lights up and he starts jumping up and down, while I just stare at Seungmin in shock. "Really?" "Yeah, but it's not the best." Seungmin gestures for us to sit down on the couch. 

"My grandpa was friends with satan, as you both know. He was a photographer and loved nature. In hell, there's nothing but lava and dead trees, so he really wanted to go back. He asked satan about it, and since grandpa only killed to save my mother, satan agreed to send him back. But even he can't just send a vampire back that easily. The spell that sends you back to hell, it requires you to give up something important. In my grandpa's case, it was his memory. His memory got worse and worse the more he traveled back and forth and eventually, he forgot to come back to hell."

Seungmin sighs and I look at him in pity. I remember his grandpa's memory loss. That was the reason he made the room with the waterfall; so that he could remember how it looked like. Seungmin was devastated when he found out his grandpa's memories of hell were completely gone after he went to Earth again. "Does that mean I'll lose my memory too?" Seungmin shakes his head. "Maybe, maybe not. It could be anything."

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