: Why am I Here Anyway? :

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This is the chapter where it starts to get a bit OOC. Yes, I've read the books, but it's hard to write in his character. Though, I did skim through the wiki page and got some more details about his character. So, yeah, I hope you enjoy the chapter despite that!

Rodrick was sitting on the speaker in his dorm room that hadn't been set up yet. Why was he even here, if he didn't care about school anyway? To him, it made no sense that he was at a school for elites. He wasn't an elite, under any means. Music? Maybe. He needed a translator, too, and the school had provided him with one. He didn't know anything about them, other than the fact that they were an artist or something.

A knock on his door snapped him awake from his thoughts.

"こんにちは- Hi?-, uhm... Is this Rodrick Heffley?" A feminine voice said.

(A/N: The Japanese letters I used is Japanese for hello! Facts with Kat, concluded!)

Rodrick got up, and opened the door. "Yeah, it's me. Who are you?"

A girl with long, blonde hair was standing before him. Behind her was a tanned girl, with a yellow coat. The tanned girl spoke up. "Sorry, that's Kaede! She doesn't know that much English, like I do! Nyahaha!"

So this was his translator, he thought. The girl with long, blonde hair, who was most likely Kaede, was holding a tray of cupcakes, so he reached out his hand to greet his translator.

"Hey, what's up?" He said, shaking the tanned girl's hand.

"Nothing much, me and Kaede decided to come see you before we went on a walk with our dear friend Shuichi! If you want, you can come with!"

Rodrick thought for a moment, then stepping out into the hallway and closing his door behind him.

"Sure, why not?"

update im never updating this again enjoy my 2021 cringe and goodbye-

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