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𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘴𝘦 𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘥𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴
𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘷𝘪𝘰𝘭𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴.


Wanda and Vision grabbed each other's hands once again. They leaned in slowly. Right as their lips were about to meet there was an explosion.

Without warning, Y/n got launched into the air. She flew backward, her reflexes weren't quick enough and she hit her head on the back of the stage.

She soon regained consciousness. She wasn't sure she was out but she figured it couldn't have been more than a couple of seconds. Y/n tried to open her eyes but she couldn't. Her ears were ringing and she could hear was muffled screaming.

She was so tired. She just wanted to lay there. It was like slumber was calling her. But she knew she could fall asleep. Not yet. She probably wouldn't wake up.

She wasn't going to die right there. Later the devil could pull her down to the underworld and she could rot out the rest of her days in hell. But not today.

But she just needed to open her damn eyes.

Y/n tried and tried but she couldn't move a muscle. Even breathing felt as though it was taking a toll on her. She needed to make sure everyone was safe. She needed to make sure the Avengers were safe.

Y/n's eyes snapped open, everything came crashing down on her. The screams were louder, she could hear gunshots, the fighting.

She gripped onto the stage to pull herself up. There were men in tactical suits rushing around. But this wasn't Hydra. No. These were people she knew much more close to home.

She almost couldn't believe what she was seeing. Though she should have known better. She could never have a normal life. She could never have friends. She could never love someone without putting them in danger.

The thought should have made her sad or make her wallow in self-pity. But no. She was— she was angry. Y/n felt as though something inside of her snapped.

Y/n pushed herself up to stand even though all the joints and aches in her body protested against it. She bent down and ripped off the bottom of her dress. She kicked off her heels and broke off the leg on each one.

She gripped them both tightly in each hand. She took a quick intake of air and ran to the fight. Two people were closing in on Peter.

She approached the man closes to her. He whipped around to her and threw a punch. She quickly darted under his arm ending up on the other side of him. She kicked him in the back causing him to stagger forward losing his balance.

Y/n went over to him and grabbed him by the collar of the shirt. She took the heel leg she had in her hand and stabbed him in the back instantly paralyzing him. She let him fall to the floor without a second thought.

Y/n snuck up on the second one. He was bigger. He had just punched Peter causing him to fall backward. She got a running start and jumped onto his back.

The man flailed around trying to get her off his back, but Y/n shoved the second heel leg between his collarbone and throat. The man collapsed and she rolled off of him gracefully.

Peter was still on the floor. She walked over to him and offered him her hand. He took it wide-eyed and she pulled him up. "This is crazy man. I've never fought people like this. There's even a kid my age, can you believe that?"

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