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Once again, a crowd of girls were in the front, screaming for - what I assume, were the guys. But, what's new were the dozen of paparazzi. Sighing, I dialed for Charles.

"Good morning, Ms. Evans," He sighed. "These ladies, once again, were here early. The photographers arrived an hour ago, sorry for that inconvenience. Shall I open the gates now?"

"That would be great, thank you Charles," I half-heartedly laughed.

More security guards ran out, holding the girls back as Dani and I drove in. Their screams got louder, looking shocked to see us suddenly appearing. Flashes blinded us as I squinted through my sunglasses.

Dani and I smiled, waving and blowing kisses, again. I pulled into a spot next to Jack G's car, swiftly exiting the car.

"Danielle, Stella! Over here, babe!"

"Ladies, ladies! Look at the cameras!"

"Is it true you're dating Sam Wilkinson? Stella! Is it true?" The sea of girls erupted into squeals as the photographer asked the question.

Dani and I quickly entered the building, avoiding all questions.

"Early? Wow, girls! Goodmorning!" Sophia smirked.

"Soph, who spilled we were rehearsing here?" Dani frowned.

"Kenzie did," Soph sighed. "She thought that it would be best to see you up and running. No one's asked any questions as to why you were at the hospital. But, people did see what happened at the club. Kenzie's already taking care of that."

"Okay," I breathed. "Let's start rehearsing. Today is the last day."

"Come on, the guys are waiting too."

We entered the room, seeing four guys goofing off.

"Alright, boys," Sophia yelled. "Their turn."

They scrambled to sit down, Sam maintaining eye contact with me as he slid down to the floor. I rolled my eyes, turning to face the mirrored walls.

"Last day, girls! Kill it!" John clapped, starting us up.

"Six, seven, eight!" And we started our routines. Looking at my reflection, I mentally counted, hitting each move with Dani. We switched spots, doing another set of moves. Once we finished that song, we rehearsed our entire tour set. The guys watched patiently, dancing or nodding along. I occasionally caught Sam singing to a few lines, but he fortunately didn't see me look at him.

"That was amazing, girls! You guys will do great, I know it!" John smiled. Dani and I hugged him, thanking him for choreographing our tour. The guys, Dani, and I posed for a picture and we uploaded it to our social medias.

I captioned the photo on Instagram:

stellajane: last run through, finished! tour officially starts next week!! hope to see all of your beautiful faces! 💋

"Girls!" Soph cheered. "And boys! You have an interview with Ryan Seacrest, today. I'm heading over there now. Get changed, shower, eat, do anything you need to do and meet me there in two hours." She didn't bother to look up from her phone. "Don't be late," She scolded.

"Let's head home to change," Dani nodded.

We exited the building, and for a second it was quiet - until we were seen, that is. The crowd roared back to life once they saw us six. We waved, but were told we couldn't say hi because of the paparazzi.

Blowing them multiple kisses through the window, I slowly drove through the loads of girls and photographers, keeping a smile on my face.

"Guess who I saw singing along earlier?" Dani sing-songed, wiggling her eyebrows.

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