Chapter 25: "I love you, Oh Sehun."

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The next day come, after we had that conversation yesterday. I stopped in front of Sehun's room, waiting for Dr. Joonmyeon to exit the room.

As I was waiting, Jongin approached me with the same worried look which he just gave me yesterday.

"What's wrong, Jongin?" I asked as I face him.

"This is all wrong, Aira." He paused. "I mean, are you sure about transferring your blood to Sehun soon?" He asked, worriedly. "We don't know what might happen to you. Joonmyeon and I don't know what might the outcome will happen to you and Sehun. You might die, Sehun might live nor turn into a human? We don't know, alright? So, please listen to me, Aira. Do you want to die again?" He asked, and he said the last sentence as if all of his emotions where put into it.

"If it's for Sehun, I'm willing to take the risk of dying, Jongin." I smiled to him and looks like my smiled just stab him like a sharp knife. He shook his head and ruffled his hair out of frustration.

"Why won't you listen?" He asked calmly but I could feel his anger in his words.

"Because I trust Sehun." I answered, and he just furrowed his brows so I continued. "Sehun once promised me that if the worst thing happens, he'll return me to my normal life back and it may be hard to believe but I trust him." I looked into Jongin's eyes. "I know Sehun's not going to let me suffer again. I may not want to go back to my old life back, but that's what he promise and I believe him."

"Sehun promised you that?" Jongin asked me, like it was impossible for Sehun to say those words. "How can he do that if he's uncontrollable, if he's a raging demon? ARE YOU EVEN THINKING, AIRA?!" He's anger just bursted which scares me.

"Jongin I-"

He cut me off. "You know what? It's up to you. It's your life, anyways." Jongin said frustrated, leaving me here all alone.

I sighed deeply to what I just did to Jongin which makes him act like that. I know he cares for me, but I just have to do this. I can't live normally, knowing Sehun's a raging demon permanently. I just can't.

I heard Sehun's door creaked open and my gaze shifted to Dr. Joonmyeon, who just exited the room.

"Sehun's ready." He said. "I injected him a drug to calm his raging demon cells down so if you entered the room, he wouldn't hurt you," He continued. "but the drug only last for thirty minutes, if you're lucky, it may last an hour."

I smiled to Dr. Joonmyeon. "Thanks, Dr. Joonmyeon. I really owe you a lot."

"It's no big deal, sweetie." He said, as he patted my head and smiled. "Now go before the drug runs out." He added before he left.

After he left, I entered the room.

The room was different from Sehun's room before. The bed was gone. It was spacious. I roamed my eyes around and saw the polaroid camera at the top of Sehun's study table, I quickly took it before I approached Sehun. Sehun was sitting on the floor with big chains around his feet, stopping him from moving or walking and there are even thick and huge handcuffs around his thin wrist.

I kneeled in front of poor Sehun and looked at him. "Hey, Sehun." I stared at him more.

He still looks like the first time I saw him tranformed into a demon that night- Messy hair, tattoos all over him, sharp teeth, paler skin and those dark red eyes, but this time, his eyes were calm and blank unlike before when his eyes were at rage and so alive.

I sat next to Sehun and glanced at him. He's not talking at all nor shifting his gaze on another direction, it must be the effect of the drug Dr. Joonmyeon injected to him.

"You know what, Sehun? Dr. Joonmyeon gave me five days to be with you.. Well, it's four days, since exactly on the fifth day, we must do the tranferring of blood." I paused, looking at him yet he never change the direction of what his looking at. "Oh, technically, I only have like 4 hours all in all since that what's the drug's capacity in your body." I said, as if I was talking to myself because no one's responding.

I sighed before I continued. "Just hang in there, Sehun. Everything will back to normal. You won't be trap in this room and you'll escape these metals on your feet and hands soon. Just hang on, okay? I'm here." I said, then I placed the polaroid camera on my lap and held Sehun's hand tightly, using my not-fractured hand .

I whispered into his earlobe softly. "You know what I'm doing?" I glanced at him. "I'm holding your hand tightly so you would know and remember my presence, so you'll know that I'm always right here beside you... That no matter what happens, I'm always here- loving you unconditionally." I said, teary-eyed then I buried my face in his neck for seconds.

"We'll make memories within this five days, okay, Sehun? We will." I said, forcing myself not to cry.

As hard as I can, I pulled out my hand inside the hospital sling and picked up the polaroid camera on my lap. "Ahh." I groaned in pain as I tried to move my fractured arm.

I gently squeezed Sehun's hand using my other hand eventhough Sehun's not holding my hand back. Swiftly, I took a picture of our holding hands then after that, I waited for the polaroid photo to come out. I gently put my fractured arm inside the sling and I retrieve my other hand from Sehun's and shake or wave the polaroid photo after it come out of the camera. The details were coming out slowly and I smiled as I stared at the photo. "This is painfully beautiful." I whispered to myself.

I glanced at Sehun again and said. "We'll make more of this, Sehun. We'll make more memories before we both say goodbye to each other." I said, forcing a smile then I kissed Sehun's cheek, after. "I love you, Oh Sehun. Although you don't say it, I'm hoping you love me as well." I smiled, sweetly at him.


This is today's update. Hope you like it. :) I hope it satisfies you. :) Well, this is just it for Aira's first day with Sehun. She still has four more days with Sehun so please look forward to the other chaps. Thank you for supporting. I'm receiving so much love with this fanfic. Thanks. :* :D VOTE and COMMENT! Love youuuuuu! ❤❤❤❤❤

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