Chapter 13: Midnight Date?

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Aira's P.O.V.

It was almost midnight when we got home because of that damn traffic. Once we got home, I immediately changed into my favorite tank top and pyjamas.

I grabbed a glass of water from the kitchen before I sleep when I noticed Sehun was nowhere to be found. Where could he be? We just got here.

I barged in his office but he wasn't there so I just went upstairs, to where my room is. At the end of the corridor, I saw a ray of light in the balcony so without doubts, I walked towards it.

"Sehun? Are you here?" I asked, entering the balcony. When I entered, I saw Sehun sitting on chair with a cup of coffee on the table as his gaze landed from afar.

He shifted his gaze on me once he heard my voice. "Hey. Why are you still awake?"

"I was looking for you downstairs. I thought you left." I answered. I sat on a chair in front of him and stared at him.

He didn't respond. He paused for a long time, still looking at the view. "Hey, wanna go to the park?"

"Park? But it's midnight already." I countered.

"That makes it more fun." He smirked mischievously. "Come." He added as he got up from his seat and lead the way. I trailed off behind him.

We reached the attic. What are we doing here? I thought we'll go to the park? Geez.

A luxurious grand piano caught my attention once we entered. I wanted it badly.

"Here." I heard Sehun's voice echoed in my ears. I looked at him and saw him carrying two mountain bicycles.

"Bicycles?" I asked.

"Yeah. Biking all the way to the park." Sehun smirked once again.

As Sehun said, we both ride our own bikes on our way to the park. It was awkward at first but we're starting to loosen up and have fun. The street was dim and only a few postlights were lit. So technically, It's dark until my bike hit the taillight of that car parked beside the sidewalk.

"FUCK, SEHUN!" I yelled as I saw the taillight broken. Sehun stopped and take a look of it closely.

"HEY YOU!" An angry man with a mustache yelled as he got out of that particular car. My eyes widened in fright as I froze, looking at the man.

Suddenly, I felt Sehun's hand on my wrist and we run away from thar angry man. We entered a dark alley and hide there.

"That man is so scary, Sehun." I whispered to him.

"Well, you broke his car's taillight.. Of course he's scary." Sehun responded with that sarcastic tone of his. "Now, we left our bikes behind his car." He rolled his eyes.

"I didn't do it on purpose, you know!!" I yelled at him but he covered my mouth using his palm.

"He's coming." He whispered. He shifted his hands on my shoulders and quickly pinned me on the wall.

"H-Hey, what the-" He interrupted me when he buried his face on my neck and his hands swiftly travelled on my thighs, lifting me up. Sehun placed my legs around his waist. What is this guy up to?! SHIT!

"Moan." He whispered against my neck. WHAT THE FUCK?! My eyes widened to what he said. "Just moan. He's coming." Sehun added, emphasizing every word.

Whispering and doubting, I started moaning. "Ahhh.." Then the angry-mustache-man showed up and I quickly hid half of my face (lower part) on Sehun's broad shoulder.

"Ahh, Am, I'm sorry to disturb you, guys." He said, shyly and apologeticly as soon as he saw our position. I think he didn't notice us. How dumb. He run away again and that's when Sehun put me down.

"Good plan, huh?" Sehun asked nonchalantly.

"That was close." I said in relief. "Great thinking, pervert!" I sarcastically said, rolling my eyes at Sehun.

He smirked. "Whatever."

"For a doctor, you're a pervert and a troublemaker." I told him.


Since we left our bicycles behind his car and we can longer go back to get it because of Mr. Mustache Man, we just walked until we reached a bench in a park and sat on it.

"This is sooooo unexpected." I sighed. I glanced at my wristwatch and saw it's already 2 A.M. "It's already 2 A.M."

"You tired already?" Sehun asked, as he sat next to me.

"Not quite." I answered. "Mr. Mustache Man's funny, don't you think?"

"Yes. He is." Sehun answered, smiling. "It was kind'a fun. It was like, we were pranking." He added, shaking his head.

"You really are a troublemaker." I smirked. "I bet you even enjoy sniffing my neck?" I teased him, nudging his elbow.

"Not really. You smell horrible." He laughed shortly. HE LAUGHED??!! "You should change your perfume." Sehun joked.

"It smells good! It's Victoria's Secret, dumb-dumb!" I said, hitting his head with my closed fists.

"Whatever. Victoria's Secret or not, you still smell horrible!" He said, teasing me again. Geez! He's having too much fun now!

"Oh, really?" I asked with sarcasm. "Well, let me smell you, Doctor!" I said as I lean towards him and started sniffing him. I made a 'EWW' facial expression and said. "Phewww! You smell like a dead body, Dr.Oh FUCKING Sehun!" I countered.

He laughed once again, louder than the last time. Sehun's attractive when he smiles or laugh. Wait, what am I thinking? Screw it, Aira! "Good one, Aira."

We continue throwing teasing jokes at each other, laughing so damn hard about senseless things until we saw Mr. Mustache Man again, still looking for us.

"Shit, Sehun. He's here." I whispered to him. "Mr. Mustache Man is still looking for us. Where can we hide?"

Furrowing his brows, he roamed his eyes, looking for something that'll help us to hide and luckily a telephone booth come to his view. "There. Come on." He grabbed me by the hand and we hid inside the telephone booth. Feeling scared that Mr. Mustache Man might catch us, I buried my face against Sehun's hard chest. As you know, telephone booth is not a good place to hide. You can see people inside the booth! DUHHH?  ̄0 ̄

And when he finally disappeared in our sight, that's when we feel relieved.

"He's gone, I think." Sehun whispered and I immediately pulled away from him. I leaned my back on the wall of the booth to create distance between us. It's awkward, though.

We stared at each other after, for no fucking reason as the moment of silence passed by.

Slowly, I felt him approached me in this closed space and placed his hands on my shoulders as I was still leaning my back on this wall.

"It's confusing." He said, as he lean in and pressed his lips against mine.


Another update before school starts again. :/ Aigooooo! I wish it could be Christmas vacation forever. *sigh*

Anyways, for those who were disappointed by my last fic- Falling in Love with a Stalker, I really am sorry about it and its epilogue. Please understand! I'll try making up to you with this fic so please continue supporting this one. :3 Thank you, readers. :) VOTE, COMMENT and LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! :* ♡♡♡

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