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"Another hero event?" Ochako questioned, after her best friend had informed her. She then checked her phone for the announcement they sent out to the heroes.

Currently Asui sat in Ochako's office during their lunch break. A daily routine for the friends as they felt most comfortable eating with just themselves than their colleagues in the cafeteria area.

After graduating from UA, the two were hired officially by Pro-hero Ryukyu. After working their butt's off as side-kicks, they stood along-side their senior, Neijire, as one of the high commanders in the agency.

It only took them three long, suffering years of exhibitions, missions and paperwork. At least it all worked out in the end. The best friends were quite happy from where they stood.

"It's apparently for the upcoming ranking ceremony," Asui assumed, throwing away her packed lunch. Ochako didn't enjoy the hero gatherings as much as one would think. Yes she'd see all her friends from high-school, eat good, expensive food, but it was draining. She always ended up drunk and was afraid she would end up sleeping with him again.

After that one night she completely hated hero events. Although she could never stop her self from drinking, that would be like trying to stop a bee from making honey.

"I hate those,"

"I know, but it's not like that incident will ever happen again. You guys decided to forget about what happened, right?" Asui questioned. Ochako had spoken with him. They're on good terms and already basically swept it under the rug, but she wasn't taking any chances.

"Just watch over me, alright?" Ochako sighed before checking the time. There was still a bit of time before the break ended, so Ochako left her office to get a drink from the vending machine.

"Hey, have you heard?"

"Heard what?"

"He's back in Japan, apparently he's moving back!"

Ochako over-heard her colleagues speaking about this for the past few days. Apparently a hero from abroad was moving to Japan. She wasn't really interested in foreigners, but everyone seemed to get excited just talking about the hero. Although she wasn't interested enough to find out who it was.

After getting her a drink, she walked back to her office, Asui staring at her phone mouth agape and eyes wide.

"Is something wrong?" Ochako asked making the frog hero jump before hiding her phone behind her back.

"Ochako-chan! I'm great, I'm great! I was thinking about the event, maybe you don't have to come after all. If you really don't want to," Asui spoke in a speedy tone, Ochako left in confusion.

"I wish, but it's mandatory for all heroes in Japan to go," she sat back in her desk chair, preparing to finish the rest of her work. Her work pile had loaded over the past few days. She's been procrastinating, but she had a reason. A good one, that didn't need an explanation.

"R-Right! Well then, how about we go together? I'll keep an eye out for you better that way," Asui said, getting all her things ready for work. Her office was just a few hallways down from Ochako's, so the two were able to see or walk passed each other often.

"That'd be great, sure," Ochako thanked before Asui rushed out of her office. The brunette was a bit worried about her friend's strange behaviour but chose to leave her be.

He phone had been going off for a while after getting back into work mode, notifications making her phone vibrate. The desk shaking a bit.

I'm at work, can people leave me be!

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