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"You got me fired!" they spoke again, walking up to Yuudai in a mask and hoodie.

Akihiro was still in shock, not registering the man's words until he took off his mask, aiming his gun at him.

Yuudai's eyes widened before he spoke...

"Akui Nikushimi..."

Ochako held her ground, her dress wasn't bullet proof, but her job was to be a hero, she had to be prepared for anything. Even getting shot.

"Look, you can turn back right now-"she tried to stop him, but he just interrupted her by pointing the gun at her head.

"He doesn't get to live happily when I've suffered my entire life. I could have been living a better life if he hadn't had shown up for that audition and got me fired!" he spat, his saliva practically flying out.

This guy's insane!

Ochako looked around frantically for the hero that should have been here ages ago.

Where the hell are you Deku?!

"I didn't get you fired Akui-kun, you did that to yourself," Yuudai spoke from behind her.

"You're going to get fucking killed by provoking him," Ochako whisper yelled, but the actor willingly stepped out from behind the hero, his hands raised defensively.

"That rumour about me getting paid extra, was true-"

"Exactly!" Akui interrupted and Yuudai sighed. He slowly made his way to his ex-colleague.

"But I didn't accept it. It wasn't right when the whole crew worked so hard," he admitted truthfully. Nikushimi stared at him, searching for any clue that he was lying.

"You stole my role!" at this point, Akui was looking for an excuse to hold a grudge against a man who did nothing wrong.

"We were both judged accordingly and we both fit different roles. You didn't even mind when they announced the cast list," he stated and Nikushimi tightened his grip on the weapon. He's aim faltered a bit, but he still held it at his target. His face softened, wondering why he had gone this far... But he couldn't stop.

"I can't go back now!" he scoffed at himself before pulling the trigger.


Silence followed.

A few gasps were heard.

But then a green lightening had appeared.

"Perfect timing," Izuku spoke with a smile as he stood directly in front of Akui. Smoke covered the area from Izuku's smokescreen so that nobody had could see.

"Yuudai-kun!" Ochako rushed towards him only to find he hadn't been shot.

"I thought I was a goner," Yuudai whispered to himself.

The OFA user took the gun directly out of Nikushimi's hand, the ex-actor in shock from what he had done. Izuku stared down at him with a frown, lifting his head once he heard sirens of the police and ambulance.

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