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Crawling off the bed, Ochako turns back to the man that she had been cuddling. A small smile played on her lips, her usual pink cheeks turning a darker shade from spending a night with him. Keeping his word, the pair only slept in the same bed, not intimately, but how they used to back in high-school. They used to snuggle into each other's arms, enjoying the company of their partner. She loved the sex, but somehow, this felt much better now that they had their fill of intimacy for two weeks straight.

The girl yawned, stretching herself like a cat before walking to the bathroom.

"Ochako," A sleepy Izuku called out. Feeling the empty space beside him, he groggily woke up and blinked his eyes open. Sighing in contempt, he heard the toilet flush and relaxed knowing that she was still around.

"I'm here," she answered, leaving the bathroom and crawled back onto the bed. She made a move to straddle his lap and he let her. His chest was bare, arms covering his face from the sun and the absolute beauty in front of him. She leaned down, pressing her clothed chest to his.

"Good morning," she greeted with a tired smile. Izuku then wrapped his arms around her and rested his cheek on Ochako's head.

"Good morning," he replied, a short silence following after, the pair adjusting to their awakening.

"We're off for a week," Izuku spoke shortly after and Ochako sighed pleasantly.

"Does that mean you're going to make breakfast? We're in no rush," she teased playfully and he let out a deep laugh. His voice was still a bit raspy from sleep, so it sounded... sexy- to Ochako that was.

"Anything specific?" he asked curiously as he sat them up, still in each other's arms.

Ochako thought for a minute.

It was only eight in the morning and they didn't have work. They could definitely spend the day together-

*ring, ring*

Or not.

"Hold that thought," the brunette reached for her phone and answered the phone with a greeting. 

"Uraraka!" a feminine voice yelled through the phone. The poor girl had to hold the device away from her ear unless she wanted to go deaf.

"Mina-chan, what's up?" recovering from the alien girl's calling, she hesitantly put the phone closer. During all this, the greenet held a neutral expression, smiling at Ochako's focused face while talking. He traced circles onto her thighs, desperately wanting to do more than that, but he promised not to. So he fought with himself, settling for resting his hands on her hips, massaging lightly at her flesh.

"I heard you came back from your mission. The girls wanted to have a get together- Ohmygod we have some juicy stuff to tell you!" her friend sounded much more enthusiastic after that statement - almost mischievous - as she giggled through the phone.

"Alright, I'm free this afternoon," Ochako agreed; the reply making the man in front of her tilt his head out of curiosity.

After a short goodbye, she sighed- getting of his lap and walking out the room, Izuku following after her like a lost puppy.

"You're leaving now?" Izuku questioned, a little disappointed that she'd be gone so soon. 

Looking over her shoulder, she noticed the subtle pout on his lips and decided to have a little fun. She then turned away and nodded, feigning a sad sigh.

"The girl's want to go out- asked if I had any plans," she added, not facing him yet.

"And you said you were free?" he asked, almost at a loss for words. He wasn't upset, just a little sad since he thought she'd want to spend the day with him. He walked into the kitchen where Ochako currently was- looking for breakfast ideas.

"Yup," she answered nonchalantly.

Izuku watched her stand on her toes, trying to reach for the higher cupboards. Wanting to help her he tried to lift her, but then she used her quirk to float herself.

"Are you going to go back to your apartment after that?" he asked another question, defeat sounding in his voice. She almost couldn't handle Izuku's frown, it made her feel bad even though she was just playing with him a bit.

Smiling up at him, she took slow strides towards the man and wrapped her arms around him.

"Izuku~"she cooed and he looked down," I'm leaving at one, we have the whole morning together," she giggled as his eyes lit up.

"You're making pancakes by the way," she shoved him lightly towards the middle of the kitchen and he sent her a salute- getting to it.

"Roger that," he played along and she hopped onto the counter to watch him.

Thinking back to his earlier question, she really didn't need to go home. She could spend the week wit him, but her logic side disagreed. They were taking things slow and so for that reason, he'd have to decline the silent offer from him.

"I have to go home tonight," she swung her legs, facing him with an apologetic smile. The hero turned with a sigh. He understood her though, they weren't together and they haven't been on a date yet.


"Then Thursday night. Can we have the date then?"

The gravity quirk user smiled brightly.

"Of course!"

After that, Izuku went back to making the hot cakes. Ochako had turned on some music, dancing around in the kitchen while he was busy. Every so often she'd accidently bump into him and he'd scold her, but she would giggle, carry on her 'dance'.

Once they finished their breakfast, the pair lounged around- just talking and bringing up some old school memories. 

That was until twelve and Ochako then had to leave.

"Call or text me whenever you need me, otherwise I'll see you Thursday night. Don't forget to send me the details so I know what to wear," she placed a small kiss on his cheek before stepping out his apartment.

"What if I want to see you?"


"What if I want a hug?"

Ochako sighed before sending him an innocent smile.

"You'll have to wait for Thursday,"

With that, she started walking away, leaving the freckled man to pout.


Getting to her place, she rolled in her suitcase and took a quick shower, changing and got ready to leave. Until a certain blonde rushed to his room. Ochako narrowed her eyes at his room door, deciding to see why he was acting so strange. She was sure he heard her come in, but the girl didn't receive any welcome back.

"Bakugo Katsuki, why are you avoiding me?" she pushed open his door and he stilled on his bed, covering his face with the manga he had in hi hand.

"Uh... Welcome home?"

He avoided her gaze, trying to further get himself into the book, his face practically in the pages. 

She, however, grabbed it from his hand taking a good look at his nervous expression.

"What did you do?" she asked accusingly.

"What do you mean? I did nothing- Aren't you supposed to be going out with the girls? You're going to be late," he turned away, but Ochako squinted her eyes at him.

"How did you know I was going out with the girls?" she questioned and he stiffened under her intense gaze.

Sweating, he decided to hide under his pillows.

"Go away you're not my mom!"

Ochako rolled her eyes and left him alone. The guy was getting weirder everyday she lived with him.
Just givin' ya'll  some fluff. Don't worry hornies, the smut will be here soon.

Also... My school decided to open up this week and my sleep schedule is 📉

Hopefully I won't die!
(Updates will stay the same)

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