Christmas of Love

782 9 3


TW(s): None

AU: Non-Despair

Image by ramunaeee on Twitter

I rolled this dice that said I have to incorporate a castle into this story, so that's why it's at Disney haha.

Also, I would just like to thank y'all for 81 reads! Like whaaat?! I never expected that, and to some it may not be a lot but for me it means everything, so thank you all for reading!! I really appreciate when y'all take the time to read something I worked on. I hope you enjoy this fic too! 


Byakuya PoV:

     I was laying in bed with my boyfriend Makoto, who was still asleep. I had been awake for about thirty mintues, and didn't expect Makoto to wake up anytime soon. Last night Makoto and I drove to Disney World because our friend Sayaka Maizono is preforming at Cinderella's Castle for a Disney Christmas special, that would be airing on TV. We didn't arrive at our resort until late last night, and Makoto always sleeps in. I decided to just lay beside him, and cuddle until he woke up. We don't have any park tickets for today, as tomorrow is when Sayaka preforms. After about an hour and a half after I woke up, Makoto started to shift and move around, and after a bit of doing that his eyes opened. He began to wipe and massage his eyes, and finally got them adjusted. "Good morning, Kuya," He wearily said, he was so tired and these beds weren't the most comfortable, for myself at least. "Good morning, love. You're very tired, aren't you?" He nodded his head as he wiped his face with his hands. "Well luckily for you we do not have anywhere to go today, so you can rest up." I gave him a soft forehead kiss as he turned to face me, and moved closer to me to nuzzle his head in my chest.

     Makoto and I cuddled all day until dinner time, and we got ready and went down to the first floor of the hotel to a restaurant. We ate dinner and went to the gift shop afterward, and Makoto wanted plushies of Lady and the Tramp, from the movie Lady and the Tramp. "Thank you so much, Kuya! These are the cutest things I've ever seen! Now you can have the tramp and I can have lady!"  "Your reaction to that plushy was the cutest thing I've ever seen,I'm glad you like them," We grinned at each other, and made our way to our room. We got back on the bed to watch some TV, and we decided to watch some sort of Disney baking show, it was really the only thing we both somewhat like. After a bit of watching it, Makoto decided to talk. "I'm excited to see Sayaka preform tomorrow. She practiced one of her songs for me the other day, she was really good!"  "I am too, I'm really just happy to see you so excited about one of your friends. It makes me happy to see you like that," I say Sayaka is a friend of mine, but to be honest, I'm not a big fan of hers. Even when we were at the Academy, she always gave me a weird feeling about her. She was always nice to people but I was still suspicious of her. It's been two years since we graduated Hope's Peak and Makoto and I have been dating for four years. Sayaka and I have something planned for tomorrow night after her performance, and I know Makoto is going to freak out. 

     I looked at the clock on the bedside table, which read '10:48'. I looked down at Makoto, who had his head in my lap, asleep. I had been rubbing and playing with his hair, but decided I should get some sleep myself. I gently picked his head up, and placed him down long enough to turn the light off. I got back on the bed and picked him up. He made some noised like I had woken him up, "Shhh, I'm just moving you baby."  "Mhm.." I put him under the blankets with myself, and wrapped my arms around his waist. Today was just a cuddle day, but I really enjoyed it. Tomorrow is going to be long and busy, Makoto and I are going to Magic Kingdom to ride some rides until Sayaka's performance. I kissed the top of Makoto's head, "I love you,"  I knew he wouldn't respond but I had to tell him anyway. I sure love my little Koto. 

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