Chapter 1

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We lost, and now our world is overrun by demons with two leader Azazel who lead the army of demons with his super soldier Jake Tally to wipe all of us out and Lilith who is breaking the 66 seals to free Lucifer from hell so he can start the freaking apocalypse not that it really matter anymore as the world screwed and we'll never be able to take it back from them and my story started when my brother Sam died by the hand of Jake Tally just as Ava saw in her vision all that time ago and I tired to sell my soul to bring him back but no demon would deal so in the end I gave up but by that point it was too late Azazel and Lilith had already won most of the population has been killed but even thought I lost Sam I still had to fight even if their was no chance in getting the world back so, Me and Bobby along with Jo and Ellen but the only problems is that we had the biggest target on our back as the only hunters on the planet but I know what your thinking how are four Hunter going to take down a whole Demon army and stop Lilith from breaking the seals well that's easy we had Angles on our side. As soon as the war started the Angle came down and we soon found that there Angel blades could kill demon so we have Demon killing knifes and we melted a quite a few down into bullets so we can shoot the son of a bitchs. The only problem is Azazel has destroyed the colt but the good think is we been told about a weapon that will kill Azazel and, actually I'm not going to say anymore I think I'm going to get on with the proper story now.

"We have a lead on the Lance Of Michael." Anna said to the rest of her garrison Urial then said "what are our orders?" Anna then said back "we tell the hunters as we are not going to be able to do this our selves." Castiel then said "we can do it without them Anna." Urial then said to that "I agree with Castiel, we can do it without the hunters." Anna then said to that "no we can't do this without them, this is too big for Angle alone to deal with and plus their is only one seal left to break so we need as many people as we can to try and stop this." Castiel then said to her "they will only get in the way, you know we can stop this on our own." Anna then said to them both "ok I'm going to make this really easy for both of you to understand I'm give you both an order for you two to work with the hunter on this and we don't have time for you lot to argue with them." Urial and Castiel then said to her "yes ma'am." After that they all the disappeared and just leaving the noise of their Angle wings behind as they left. They quickly appeared in an old abandoned house that had been made into a refuge for the last hunter on Earth and it was long before Anna, Castiel and Urial bumped into someone and that was Jo and when she saw the Angels she said to them "oh great the happy squad is hear." Anna then said "where is he?" Jo then said "he were he normally is the back room." After that Anna and her unit walked toward the back and on their way they also saw Ellen and Bobby but they didn't say anything to the Angles and they all then walked into the back room and shut the door behind them. Dean was just sitting their with a nearly half drunk bottle of Whiskey and as soon as he saw then walked in he said "what can I do for the happy squad." Anna then said "we need your help." "What could Angles possibly need human help with exactly?" Anna then said "we have a lead of a weapon that could kill Azazel." Dean then after he too a sip of his drink "sorry I'm not jumping out of my seat when you said but I've sort of given up with trying to kill Azazel and I've made pieces that I never will kill that son of a bitch." Urial then said to Dean "I told you Anna we don't need these hunter I mean look at him, he's just a waste of time and space." And as soon as Urial said that to Dean he jumped out of his seat and then jumped over his table and then grabbed Urial by his suit jacket and then slammed him up again the wall and pulled out his gun and then placed it right under  his face and then said to him "say that again?" Urial then just looked at Dean and laughed at Castiel pressed his hand right up again his head and said "one move and I'll burn your brain and eyes out in a second." Dean then look back at Castiel over his shoulder and he then said "the thing is if you do that to me, I'll shoot Urial so Cass it's a bit of an empty threat and if I'm honest I don't really care if you killed me." Anna then said to them all "ENOUGH! Castiel stand down now!." Cass then moved his hand away and too a couple of steps back while Anna just looked at Dean until he did the same. Once sat back down in his seat he then said to Anna " Dean all I want is for you to hear me out." Dean then said to her "I'm listening." Anna then said back to that "like I was saying we have a lead on a weapon that could kill Azazel." Dean then said "yeah you said that, I still don't get why your telling me this your Angles you can try to weapon out for yourself." Anna then said "no we can't do this on our own this is too big and we need as many people as possible." Dean then said with confusion "what do you mean it's too big?" Castiel then said "Lilith has only one more seal to break and then Lucifer is free, so I'd say that's pretty big Dean." Dean then said "no Cass that's not big, that's just something we all knew was coming but if me and Sam at the time had managed to stop Azazel from open the Devils gate non of this is a surprise to me and to be honest Lucifer can have the world." Uriel said back to that "see Anna I told you he's a waste of time and space." Dean then said "I swear to go if you say that one more time I will kill you." Urial then just smiled and said to him "you ready don't care I mean talking about Lucifer hear." Dean then said "well what do you want me to say we have enough trouble just staying alive day to day and you want us to go and poke the eagles nest, I'm good." Ann then said to him "Dean pleasers need your help, what would Sam do in this situation?" Dean then just looked at her when she said that and he said to her "find I'll help you."

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