Chapter 6

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The next day they arrived back at their old abandoned house as soon as they walked in the door Anna, Urial and Castiel were all standing their and when they all saw them Dean said "well make your sleeves feel at home." All the Angle then looked at Dean and then Cass said "I don't understand what you are saying?" Dean then said as he chucked his bag on the table "never mind." And as they all took a seat somewhere Anna said to them "did you find the Lance." Bobby then said "yeah but the cost was too high." Urial then said "it doesn't matter about the cost as long as you have the weapon." And as soon as he said that Ellen jumped up out of her seat and ran at Urial pulling her Angle blade out in the process and then slamming him into a wall and then shouting at him saying "MY DAUGHTER DIE TO GET YOUR WEAPON, SO YEAH THE PRICE WAS TOO HIGH!" And as she was shouting that in Urial face, Dean and Bobby ran up to her to pull her off him before she stabbed him in the throat and as they pulled her away Bobby said to her "Ellen calm down their not worth it." Ellen then just looked at Bobby once him and Dean let her go and said "someone has to pay for die so it might as well be them." Dean then said "Ellen listen to me, it may be their fault that we want their but blame Azazel, he's the son of the bitch that sent Jake after us." And after Dean said that Anna then walked up to Ellen and said to her "I am sorry that the mission we gave you cost someone close to you." Ellen then looked at Anna then just walked off shoving her shoulder as she walk past her and once she had gone Cass then said "where is the weapon." Bobby then looked at Dean, Dean then nodded at Bobby and he then walked out of there abandoned and then a second later Bobby walked back in with The Lance Of Michael in his hand and as soon as they saw the Lance, Anna walked up to Bobby and she then said "may I?" Bobby then looked at Dean and he then nodded his head and then Bobby handed it over to Anna and as soon as her hand touch the Lance she said " I have to admit that when Zachariah told me about this weapon I didn't think I'd was still around after the gate open and the world went to crap I thought that this weapon would of been destroyed." Dean then said back to that "hang on a minute, you send us on a mission when you didn't even know that the weapon was their." Anna then said "we'll yes we only had a lead Zachariah didn't confirm that the weapon was actually in there we just had a lead that it was." And as soon as she said Dean walked up to her with his faces filly with anger and when he got to her, he pulled out his gun and pushed it straight into her head and as soon as Dean did that both Castiel and Urial then pulled out their Blades and started walking towards Dean but before they could get any closer to him Bobby pulled out his pistol and his machine and aimed it at both of them and said "don't move another step or i will shoot you both." Urial and Castiel just looked at him and then Dean said "Jo died today because of the mission we went on looking for that weapon and you didn't even know if it was actually in their so please give me one good reason not to pop one right in your now." Anna then just looked at Dean for a second and then said "I'm sorry Dean I should of told you before we sent on that mission." Dean then said "you still haven't given me a reason." After he said that Dean then pulled back the hammer to load a bullet into the chamber and when that happens both Castiel and Urial managed to get a couple of steps closer before Bobby said to them "hay what did I just say, don't move!" Anna then looked at Bobby and then back at at Dean and then said to him "ok Dean you need us to be able to get to Azazel and Lilith without dying then the process." Dean then just looked at her and then clicked the hammer on his gun back and then walked away from and sat down and as soon as he did that Bobby lowered his guns as well and then Dean said "did you find Gabriel?" Bobby then looked at Dean said "Gabriel as in the Archangel?" Dean then looked at Bobby and then said "yeah, that's who they were going to find and can I ask why do we need to find Gabriel?" Urial then said "we need Gabriel to kill Lilith." Bobby then said "wait so your telling me that the Lance won't kill her." Castiel then said "no she is a most powerful Demon than Azazel is." Bobby then said " so where is he then?" Anna then looked back at Urial and Castiel and then said "he's not going to help us." Dean then said "we'll that's just great so we can't kill the one person who will free Lucifer." The Angle then didn't say anything back and then Bobby said "so what now?" Dean then said to that " I don't know, let's ask the Angles?" Dean and Bobby both then looked at the Angles and then Castiel said "we could still take out Azazel." Anna then said "we need to take out Lilith more other wise Lucifer will come." Dean then said "well what ever we do we need to decide now because I don't really fancy taking on Azazel when Lilith is breaking the last seal." Urial then said "Anna you need to give us our orders." Anna then looked back at Urial and then said "ok, we'll go after Azazel." Dean then said to her "when do we move out?" Anna then said back to him "as soon as everyone is ready." Dean then said to her "alright give a minute to talk to Ellen as we are going to need everyone if we are going to pull this off." After that Dean then walked off to go and talk to Ellen.

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