Chapter 26: Banana man

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3rd Person's POV:
Turning to face the 'heroes' that harmed his friend, Izuku narrow his eyes as he glares sharply. He clenches his jaw as he look ready for a bloodbath. His bloodlust has long been released. It wasn't known how much longer the leader of the Daredevils could hold himself from attacking directly. Not like he'll be in trouble if he did but he was being considerate for the innocent citizens.

"Stop what you're doing, Villains!" A certain half-dead, yellow haired in a clown color scheme costume shouted. Hearing a chuckle from the greenette in reply.

"Wait- Hold on... I think- No. I've sworn seen them before. Ah- That's right! I remembered! They're not villains! They're the new reinforcement group that was sent from America. We better just apologise and leave them alone." An unknown water quirked hero recognised. Seemingly scared as he immediately backs off.

"Huh? What kind of hero would do such inappropriate thing? Besides, aren't they just kids? I'm sure you have mistaken something, Yamawari-san. They look like villains to me, my guts tell me so." The pathetic being announces. Everyone believed him as usual, taking their stances to fight. All except for the previous water quirked hero, who had quickly flee the scene after his warnings.

"Your fellow coworker is right. We're not villains. We came here to watch the show- Oh! I mean, to assist you. Sorry. Sometimes my inner thoughts slip out on its own." Izuku grins widely, not giving any meaning to his apology.

"Shut up, villain! Don't listen to him! He's probably just bluffing!" Ass might stood by his stupid words, protecting his empty pride.

"Y'know what? Actually, now that I've think about it. Being a villain is not that bad. I've learnt the hardest way that a Hero would sacrifice you to safe the world without a second of hesitation, while most Villains will sacrifice the world to save their beloved." Izuku spoke bitterly, pausing for a dramatic effects.

"However, if given the option. A villain will gladly sacrifice you to save themselves. Obviously from that sentence alone, you'll realise that villains actually aren't all that stupid. So yeah, maybe I am a villain. After all, I don't want to be classified as an idiot." He scoffs arrogantly. The Daredevils beside him cackles along his sentence.

"You!" The blond skeleton points his hands at Izuku, gaining a lot of irritated growls from his group.

"Oh shut it, banana man! Unless you want to get in trouble with your higher ups, I suggest you zip it. After all, you're barely hanging on to your hero license aren't you? Don't want the previous number 1 hero to be viral by being condemned all cause a couple of bored teenagers decided to be playful now, do you?" Eli taunted the man as he sneers.


"Don't raise your voice at him." Izuku spoke deeply, his hatred for all might growing as the old man spoke.

He had previously decided to just ignore the pee-coloured hair man. Deciding to forget the past for the sake that the man was his past mentor. Whether or not he was hateful, Izuku doesn't really care. Besides, it sounds like a major pain in the ass to be honest and nobody would want to waste time on a dying corpse. However, that doesn't mean Izuku would tolerate anyone raising their voice at his lovers.

"What could you possibly do anyway? Villains." The old geezer poke spitefully, hatred was evident but he was too busy looking down on Izuku to realise his current situation. Shadows are shifting behind him, with creatures of the night lurking and ready for orders.

The Daredevils was ready for fight at the drop of Izuku's command but the latter had gestured them to stand down. Regretfully, they did. Since they preferred pushing down their rage than angering the boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2021 ⏰

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