Chapter 24: Flight back to Japan.

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3RD Person's POV:
It was actually already past noon. However because of the break down yesterday, a certain greenette is still sleeping soundly. With neither of his boyfriends -nor anyone else for that matter- wanting to disturb him. They knew how much pressure and stress he's been under recently, so they wanted to give him a little more time to relaxed before actually being forced to attend his old hell AKA U.A.

Seeing the time that's nearing the flight hour. They have to leave soon or else, they'd have to wait for tomorrow's earliest flight schedule. Since the pilot said that today, the flight tower can only offer this time as they had already forced their flight into an overflowing plane schedule.

Seeing their angel sleeping soundly, they really hated to have to wake him up. So with deep regret, they did. "Hey baby~" Ace gently rubs the greenette's cheek with his thumb. The greenette only slightly nuzzle his head to the taller's hand in return. "Wake up sleepy head~ You'll get to continue your sleep on the plane okay? We just have to change the scenery a little bit." Said the taller male softly.

Izuku slowly opens his eyes, softly yawning and whining a little bit. "Let's get you into a more appropriate sleepwear, okay doll? As much as I hate to bother you but this outfit is only for that large gorilla's eyes and mine." Spoke Eli in a gentle but equally playful tone. Earning him a smack on the head from our said lovely "Gorilla". However that was well worthed, for he got the angel to giggle. Hearing the soft sound, the two boys unconsciously arched their lips into a doting smile.

Ace help Izuku took off his sheer nightgown that they changed him into, after he was sound asleep last night. Then the taller wiped the greenette's body off of last night accumulated sweats with a warm damp towel. Before letting Eli dressed him in a big fluffy hoodie, a comfortable pair of shorts and as he was slipping on the smaller's matching knee-high fluffy socks, the silverette kissed the greenette's toes and feet in admiration. "Oh you're so perfect doll. Everything about you is beyond compared. Even you pinky toes doesn't look as good as the A-list actresses these days."

Softly groping and massaging the smaller's feet, Eli got smacked again by the returning Ace with tons of luggage in his hands. "Stop being such a weird pervert, you sick asshole!" Yelled the taller but everyone could hear the fondness and teasing in his voice. "Ouch! I told you to stop that! I'll lose braincells and turn dumb!" Retort the silverette. Making the taller of the two scoffs. "Well I will, only if you stop being such an idiot! Besides, you can't lose what you've never had." As the two started their playful banter, Izuku only rolls his eyes.

The smol bean slide to the corner of the bed and was about to step on the floor when he was swiftly picked up by Eli. "Nuh uh baby~ You're gonna get your socks dirty. You just sit still my precious doll. I'll bring you...where'd you wanna go?" Ask the silverette softly as the taller easily picks the teen up.

"Food." Replied the smaller as his voice was a little hoarse from last night's break down. "Alright my love. You hold on tight and I'll bring you to your destination! Zoom!" Exclaimed the taller before running full speed down the hallways, to the kitchen area. Ace sighs looking at all the luggage, before leaving them in a big pile and call for Sebastian. After getting it settled, he too joins his two boyfriends with their cereals.

Izuku had his favourite Lucky Charms cereal as Eli had his usual Choco Puffs. Taking one look at the two teens acting like toddlers, Ace huffs out in amusement as he digs the cabinet for some plain Corn Flakes. Turning around and meeting the two judging gazes, he asks while laughing "What?"

"Ew. You're like an old man who can't consume sweet. Do you secretly have Diabetes or something?" Eli teased before booking it down the hall to avoid getting his head smacked. "WHAT'D YOU SAID?!" Ace yells at his retreating figure while turning back to his baby broccoli.

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