In God's Time (July 11)

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"Everyone expects you to feed them in due time."

Psalm 104:27

God always has the best for his children. We often think that God takes time to give blessings.

What He wants to teach us is that we need to value what He has for us. Our life is identical to Job's life. Job was prepared to have God's best. He was rich, he had a lot, but he didn't have the best of God. He knew God by hearing speak, but he got to know Him! (Job 42:5)

That's what God wants for us. We need to truly know Him, live only for His support.

When something seems to take a while to happen in our life, we are actually being prepared to receive it. If we are not prepared, we can turn a blessing into a curse.

We need to understand God's thoughts, and only the Holy Spirit can reveal this to us. (Isaiah 55:8-9; 1 Corinthians 2:10-12)

When you are ready, you will eat the things of God! (Psalm 104:27)

God bless you!

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