Do you know God? ( September 24 )

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"I knew you just by listening, but now my eyes see you."

Job 42:5

God is looking for a church where she wants to have an intimate relationship. We often think that we know the Father, just because miracles happen in our lives, but this is not intimacy. Intimacy is a life of worship. (John 4:23)

The Father is looking for people like Enoch, where he wants to walk with Him, to the point that He wants to rapture that person. (Genesis 5:24)

To know God, it is necessary to set aside a time of prayer each day. It is necessary to pray in tongues, so that the Spirit intercedes for us. (Romans 8:26; Jude 1:20)

Spend your time in the presence of the Lord. Get to know Him better. He is so much more than a miracle! God always has more... (Ezekiel 47:1-12)

God bless you!

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