Walking with God (November 24)

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"Enoch walked with God and he was gone, because God took him for himself."

Genesis 5:24

"Here is the story of Noah. Noah was a righteous and upright man among his contemporaries; Noah walked with God."

Genesis 6:9

Here we have two examples of men who walked with God. Interestingly, God didn't walk with them, but they walked with God. What does that mean? It means that they left everything (dreams, family, pleasures...) to walk with God, that is, to live what God had for them. Enoch was so close to God that he didn't experience death, God took him! Have you ever stopped to think about it? Enoch came to a level with God that God did not want but Enoch on earth. If we love God, the least we can do is get away from the things of the flesh and live what God wants for us. Let's start walking with God!

God richly bless you!

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