Guard Your Heart (August 13)

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"Above all that must be guarded, guard the heart, for from it proceed the fountains of life."

Proverbs 4:23

God, from the beginning, has been looking at the heart of man, because His greatest concern is what is in the heart. (1 Samuel 16:7)

The heart is the symbol of love, because everything we do with the heart, we do it well and with excellence. The heart is always focused on what is most important to us. (Matthew 6:21)

God has been looking for men and women after His own heart. David was a man after God's own heart. (Acts 13:22)

What have you let into your heart? Take care of your heart, for from it come springs of life. If you let sin in, you will give life to sin, but if you let in God's dreams, those dreams will come to life! (Proverbs 4:23, Isaiah 55:8-9)

God bless you!

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