Unwanted news. (1)

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3rd person POV:

'What a nice morning!' Gon thought to himself with a cheesy grin which was practically reaching the sides of his face. He was sat on the window sill again. 

The sky was such a lovely shade of blue with tints of red seeing as it was early in the morning . Gon often seemed to wonder why it was that color but he never really wanted to know enough to find out. Besides, there wasn't a library on whale island and he never figured out how google worked (Aunt Mito nor his grandma knew how it worked either) so in the end there wasn't a point of even trying.

 The grass was fresh with dew drops. It had probably rained that night. Outside was a nice sandstone path made up of little rocks and there where a few stray ones sitting by themselves looking quite lonely. 'Thats me.' Gon thought as he turned his gaze to one of the rocks by the path and then his attention turned to a rock quite close to the one he imagined himself to be. Gon thought for a moment and then he thought , out loud this time, "That ones Killua..". Gon felt bad. He hadn't spoken to Killua in a while perhaps he should ask to meet up! That would be nice.

"Gon dear!" Aunt Mito called from the kitchen "Breakfast." 

Gon stared at the window one last time and smiled sadly, ' another day.'

Gon hurried down stairs. Aunt Mito was a lovely woman but tended to lose her temper. He reached the kitchen and sat down at the table. Said his thanks and quickly ate his food. "Gon! For goodness sake you'll get a heart attack!" 

The "sorry Aunt Mito" wasn't heard as Gon had a huge mouthful of food spraying around every where. 

"Chew with your mouth closed." Smiled Grandma  who wasn't even noticed when she sat down. 'She'll be a better hunter than me.. so stealthy' Gon thought and then "like a ninja" which was said out loud. Which only made grandma chuckle ,slightly confused.

Gon's phone started to ring. 'That's weird' Gon thought as he tilted his head to the side. Nobody had called him in years! Aunt Mito and grandma certainly didn't have a phone and everyone else had probably moved on with their lives without him. He looks down at his phone .He stared at the screen as it lit up and was shocked. Who else other than Killua Zoldyck? 

"It's Killua!" Gon practically yelled.

"Answer it quick Silly." Grandma remarked.

"Do you think he might be in trouble? "Gon asked.

"No dear! Even if he was, friends ARE supposed to help friends." Aunt Mito smiled at him. 

Gon was shocked. That was definitely something Killua would say.  He answered.  He was quite nervous before he spoke. Didn't know why though. He puffed out his cheeks so he looked somewhat like an overweight hamster. "Killua!" He shouted through the phone. The other line was startled.  "Gon" the voice said in a firm, yet pitiful tone. "Kurapika? Why do you have Killua's ph-" Gon was cut off.

"Gon.." Kurapika said as he exhaled ," Killua is dead."

Hey! Sorry this is short but this is my first proper fan fiction and I don't really know how to write them. But i hope you enjoyed it anyhow! Bye!

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