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TW: This chapter will contain Hisoka and some topics such as p3doph1lia may make some readers uncomfortable. 

Alluka flicked her head around towards the noise as Gon never turned his gaze, though it was obvious his pupils had dilated a lot.

Gon usually didn't get scared. Why was he scared now? Coming to a conclusion, Alluka shivered and her pretty face began to seem discouraged and sad.  This man was dangerous.

Hisoka strode through the doors and a cold air seemed to follow behind him. He seemed quite energetic and was practically skipping as he knelt down to Gons level on the floor. Gon still sat cross legged on the ground and didn't even twitch. Hisoka was so close that Gon could feel his breathing on his nose. 

His nose twitched and he squirmed uncomfortably like a deer in headlights. 

"Now Gon~" Hisoka smirked, "Just tell me where Killua is and i will let you go. After all, you are useless  with no nen." 

Gon frowned and before he could tell Hisoka Killua was hiding Alluka spoke first. 

She said," Sir... onii-chan has been dead for three years now. Please don't listen to Gon-Kun he has been in denial for a very long time and i don't think he is going to get better." 

"Oh what a shame. Illumi wont be to happy~~ Tut tut" Hisoka mumbled.

For the first time, defying the rope on his ankles, Gon stood and said, cautiously, " Don't touch her." 





The footsteps where heard and Gon immediately looked up into the doorway. 

"Don't touch her." Said the person sternly . Gon looked at them carefully and ,ignoring their black hair which was brown at the tips and the piercing black eyes which reminded him all too much of the person he met in the graveyard, smiled.

"Killua! Took you long enough!" And everyone stared at him, their mouths wide open and nearly touching the floor.

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