Alluka's new guardian

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Gon had been walking for quite a little while.

 Long enough, infact, that he actually  started to contemplate things, something the majority of the time he would 100 percent avoid. 

Gon missed Killua. He couldn't  wait for him to pop out and tell him it was just a joke!

 The harbour was getting closer and the vast fields of grass didn't seem so vast anymore.

He was supposed to go to Yorknew  city. That's where killua was when he died. 

Its not where the funeral was but it was where he was getting Alluka so he needed to hurry.

 He was a bit worried. He owed alluka a lot anyways. 

Gon was nearly there. Nearly. He wasnt on the boat anymore, had gotten off of the train, and was running to their designated meeting spot. 

Gon was getting de ja vu as all the people began to look more and more like blurs the faster he ran he remembered  that he went there with killua or did that with killua or saw that with killua and could not wait to do it again! 

The excitement was basically seeping out. Ok. He was there. The dark creepy, not shady alley that kurapika had just earlier messaged to meet him at by text. He stumbled in nearly hitting his head on the walls and smiled when he saw Alluka and Kurapika. 

Gon smiled and walked over. "Hey Alluka! Kurapika!" He grinned. A grin that touched the corners of his face and would look creepy on anyone else.

Alluka looked shocked. Her sweet little face looked just as confused as it was sad.

"Gon...what are you doing?" And when alluka said this kurapika looked sadder.

"Gon.... Killua is dead." Alluka sounded numbed.

Gon was shocked... "what..?""

And Alluka was shocked too.

Wow 3 parts! Im so impressive lmao. But how are you doing my fellow killugon lovers? Hv a good day/night (go to sleep) <3

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