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''Jimin Hyung" and for that moment every memory I had with him came back even though I Ignored them. "Hyung...I remember, I'm sorry I was just scared, Please stay with me" I said looking at his pale face unconsciously. 

"Over here sir, Jimin!" Taehyung said running to us. "What happened?" Hoseok said pacing around, "s-she ask Jimin and I if we can help her from some guys who were bothering her and took us into an alley and when Jimin was asking where they went, she stabbed him and ran" I said helping the emts. "He's loosing a lot of blood we need to take him asap" The emts said and ran to the ambulance. I hopped in the ambulance as Taehyung and Hoseok helped in with Jimin and held his hand so he wouldn't be scared. "I'm here Jimin, I'm not letting go...you were always there for me and now it's my turn" I said kissing his hand. He's so pale and cold, I'm scared that I will loose him. "Sir, do you have anyone to come get out when we get there? you don't have your wheelchair." The EMT said as he checked Jimin's EKG. At this point, I should stop lying and say I can walk. "I can walk... I'll be okay. Just take care of him please." 

As we got to the hospital, Jimin started coding. And took him off the ambulance with a Doctor on top of him giving him cpr. "JIMIN!!" The Hyung's came in rushing in, "WHAT'S GOING ON WITH HIM" SeokJin said rushing to me. "He's coding, I'm scared. I don't want to loose him again." I said crying to his shoulder. "You're standing.." NamJoon said pointing. "I faked it to get Jimin off my back... as an excuse to put my anger out on him." I said shamelessly, "Why the fuck would you do that?" Yoongi said rushing to me. "Woah woah, there's no time for this right now, JIMIN IS DYING OUT THERE AND WE CAN"T BE HERE FIGHTING" NamJoon said blocking Yoongi with his arm.


I found myself in a dark room, cold and wet. Where am I? As I walked in further, I could see Jungkook, Taehyung, SeokJin, NamJoon, Yoongi, Hoseok staring at me. 

"Hyung" I said coming towards NamJoon. But no answer, as I turned around I saw light and went in. 

"GUYS GUYS IM HERE" I said looking at them all sitting in the waiting room, wait what's the sound?

"150 please" 

My ears started to hurt over the sound of a loud flatline.

"Doctor its been 20 mins" The nurse said

Am I Dying?

I turn around  I see a bright light...should I stay or should I go?

Taehyung POV

"It's been hours" Jungkook said outraging, "He will pull through, Jimin is tough" Hoseok said standing up.

"Are you Mr. Park's family?" The doctor came in bloody.

"Y-yes sir, is he okay? did he make it ?" Jungkook said running towards him, "He flatlined for 25 mins but we were able to revive him, we took him straight to operate. He had lost so much blood. For now he's in the ICU, we won't know if he won't be able to come back if he codes again. You should prepare if.." The doctor he said as Jungkook interrupted, "No." He said as he dropped to the floor. "But is he awake right now?" SeokJin said, "He's in coma right now, there has been complications with the anesthesia, so we won't know if he will wake up" He said bowing. "Can we go see him?" I said, "Yes, only one at a time" He said leading the way, "Jungkook, you can go first" I said as I saw him run behind the doctor.

"Hoseok" I said calling him over, "Where does Hirai live?" I said, "I can take you but I don't think she will be there." He said grabbing his backpack, "I know, but I think I know who is" I said after reading her text. I think its time to ask for help.

"NamJoon" I said, " I know." He said looking at me, "What do you mean?" I said coming towards him..."Don't hate me but look-" He said as I interrupted "Hate you? What did you do?!" I said coming towards his face, "Long time ago. I-"

"I want you to break them off.." 

"Taehyung?" Joo-won said taking the money

"Yes, I'll give you double very time he's with someone new" 

"Alright" She said counting

"Do what you have to do" 

"Don't rush me." She said looking at me 

"Oh you will, You see Jaehyun won't be happy that you're with Wonho, it would be ashamed" 

"Oppa..PLEASE DON'T HE'LL KILL ME" She said slamming her fist

"I know, you his little adoptive sister" 

"How did you know.." she said scared

"I'm a Kim. I know. I have unfinished business with every single household in this business, including NCT." 

"But Taeyong..." she said relieved

"Taehyong... is my right hand man, I sorta take control of NCT." 

"FINE, just don't tell him about Wonho. I know he's a rival but he doesn't work for X anymore" She said putting her money away

"Oh man, the things that man did, you wouldn't forgive, how did you parents die?" I said and walked away

End of Flashback


"TAEHYUNG I DIDN'T MEAN FOR HER TO GO THIS FAR, SHE'S TRYING TO KILL ME BECAUSE OF HER PARENTS" he said looking at his blood, "She was after you either way, she is going to kill everyone, I had to do something, I ONLY WANTED FOR YOUR GUYES LOVE LIVES TO BE AWAY FROM DANGER, every time... I get close to someone, there gone. I don't want to lose any of you guys, I'm scared as shit for Jimin. I don't want you to go through what I been through" I said looking down

"So is this why you abused me?" SeokJin said looking at him, "You what?" I said looking at NamJoon but the Hyung's stopped me from going to him. "I am not an abuser, I just did that so you wouldn't get attached to me, so you won't have to be with me because if you are, you'll be in danger. I don't want you to die like my first love...Mingyu's sister, Jungkook didn't kill her or Mingyu...we don't know who did. You see Taeyong and I only dumped her in the trash can and scared her away, because we had always been bullies, She was the only one we would never hurt. We been looking for their killers this time. The pictures in my drawer all her. I been investigating with Taeyong all these years. Of course I was mad because I thought she had eyes for Jungkook, but she told me she loved him as a brother. But stopped loving me because I was framed for Mingyu's death, now Jungkook is being framed for her death." I said crying

"I will never forgive you. but we need to find justice for every single victim that died in our hands, clean your mess NamJoon, and didn't want us to go through what you did? Look at Suzy, Jimin, now Ye-rim...she's in danger because of you." I said and walked away with Hoseok.

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