1 // elevator

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The night is young, and Jongin doesn't mind. For all the days of his life was, and would always be, carefully planned-- no matter how often the moonlight comes earlier, or how barely the sun shines in December.

Take a break, Jongin. It repeats over and over in his mind at every crush of his shoe on the ground. Have a week off and do something new, something interesting.

Interesting can be subjective, though. Jongin reads classic, romance novels. That's the only thing interesting for him-- and it doesn't seem to be something new.

His distanced steps slowed down as he fixed the strap of his shoulder bag with a sigh. He looked down into the gray pavement's cracks, avoiding the few curious glances thrown at him. People barely knew him, or his name at least. With this, he thinks he's the last person to be missed; and he likes it that way.

The lift opened, people clad in hipster clothes were rushing out to catch maybe thr club party tonight, just across the street.

"Aren't you gonna come in?" The stranger who's now in the lift asked, raising a brow as he waited for the tanned man.

But Jongin hesitated. At this hour, no one should be sharing the lift with him like the usual. Its been a while since he dodged two drunk guys in that little space. "Uh."

The stranger smiled, rolling his eyes but kept an amused smile on his face. "Oh come on."

Jongin didn't expect what happened next. The small guy held his bag's leather strap and pulled him into the lift right before the doors closed on him.

"That was close." The guy mumbled to himself, or maybe even to Jongin, and chuckled after.

Jongin was surprised to how comfortable the stranger was, and now he thinks he can finally draw a thick line between a dry atmosphere and what's not.

Ding. Jongin stood beside the stranger, running his fingers along the strap of his bag while counting in his mind. Two. Three.

"Would you stop tapping your foot like that." the stranger's voice was full and deep, but not as cold as the monotonous office voices he hears every single day. Jongin's eyes fell on the silver floor, stopping the nervous tapping, not daring to do it again or else...

"You look cute." Four. I am not.

The pale skinned man cleared his throat when Jongin seemed to ignore his statement and even started to tap his foot against the floor again, this time faster than before. "Sorry, I just think you're cute." Five. Again, I'm not.

"Aren't you gonna say something?" He suddenly turned to Jongin, his eyes curious at this man who he thinks have nothing to be shy about.

"Six." Jongin blurted in shock, maybe even more shocked than this stranger who asked.


Jongin's eyes were wide, afraid how the conversation should go and how it should end. Why did he count out loud in the first place? Seconds passed as his thoughts dried up in his throat, not being able to find a safe excuse. "Uh-"

"Eight." the stranger smiled at him again-- no, he was giggling. It was cute but at the same time he realized he was embarassing. "I see, you're counting."

Jongin was counting. He already lost the count, for he was staring at the small guy. It was only then when he noticed how the man beside him was snow-skinned, and his neck had more moles he ever thought one could have.

"I'm Kyungsoo." He faced the taller, making Jongin look away. He wasn't surprised to see him staring, nor catch him look away. "You are?"

Jongin hesitated, but pushed himself to say something. "J-jongin. Kim Jongin." Twelve.

Ding. Jongin realized it was the guy's floor. "Bye Jongin. It was nice uh- counting with you?"

Jongin knew he was kidding for Kyungsoo winked at him. He smiled back, though. Almost, for the doors have closed before he did. Kyungsoo.

He sighed and slipped his hands in his slacks' pockets.

Thirteen. When will l see him again? His smile got unusually wider, an expression only the four corners of his room had seen longer than anyone has.

Ding. His smile faded and his forehead creased. Why is he even asking?

Shaking his head to drive the thoughts away, he took his measured steps down the hall up to the door of his apartment. But he's been given days away from his so-called life, and he already got what he needs-- something new, something interesting, for the first time.

He turned the knob; the pale, petite guy with a cheeky smile, running in his mind.


For the First Time [kaisoo]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon