7 // hurt

325 17 1


"He's right," Baekhyun smirked at Jongin who seemed not to care if Baekhyun just entered his ex-boyfriend's apartment. "You're here."

Jongin laid still, the white pillow that once was Kyungsoo's in his arms. "Is he back?"

"No." Baekhyun answered him before going to the closet. "And he won't ever."


Baekhyun paused from taking the few clothes left in the cabinet. "You dare to ask why? Ask yourself, Kim Jongin, why."

"Why?" Jongin repeated, but this time, to himself. And the answer he tried to forget just the night before came across his mind just to make him cry again.

Baekhyun hurried in shoving the clothes and other stuff he thinks is important into the travel bag. "Stop crying. You're not in Kyungsoo's shoes for you to cry."

Jongin fell from the bed in an effort to stand up. Instead, he crawled towards Baekhyun, and when he reached him, he clung unto his leg. "Tell me where he is, please. Please..."

"I can't, Jongin. I want both of you to be happy but it seems like there's no way for you two-"

"I don't want to lose him!"

"You just did!"

Jongin's grip came loose, but Baekhyun never expected what Jongin's reaction would be when he shouted. Jongin punched the mirror on the cabinet and hurt himself. Bits of glass hit his face, and his knuckles were covered with blood.

"He brought me back to life." He cried, blood and tears against his cheeks. "But I realized, I don't know how to live yet... and I would never know... without him."

Baekhyun closed the travelling bag with a loud zip. He opened a couple of drawers and found an old shirt, ripped it, and kneeled before the bleeding man. "You shouldn't hurt yourself. It won't change the fact that you already hurt someone else."

He took Jongin's hand and wrapped the cloth around it. "Nor would it take the pain away from the other person. You just end up hurting yourself too, and in the end you didn't heal the pain you've already caused on the other person."

"Could you tell me when I could see him?"

"I would, but for now, stop all these shit and be a better man. We take the love we think we deserve, don't we? So be worthy. Because I'm telling you, Jongin, Kyungsoo's love is worth it as well."

Jongin and Baekhyun didn't speak after that, and Baekhyun stood up. "Wash it as soon as you feel like getting up. Don't do nothing about it, Jongin."

Jongin couldn't understand what was running in his mind, but he's sure it has double meaning. And it was about his Kyungsoo. He stared at the broken pieces on the cream colored carpet, seeing his reflection broken as well. Don't do nothing...

"Wait for the wound to heal before trying to remove the bandage." Baekhyun's last words were deeper than the cuts he had, and it sure hit him hard.

For the First Time [kaisoo]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon