Save the Husband

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- at some point I forgot which pronouns I was using for Grell in this fic so we are just going to pretend I didn't - 

"Okay, which one of you two knows how to get to Hell?" Vincent gestured between William and Grell.

"You want to go to Hell?" Grell spat out her drink. "Why the fuck?" 

"You believe in Hell now?" William, getting to the root of the situation, asked. 

"I don't know who it was but someone sent him back there and I need to get him back!" Vincent snapped. 

"Someone sent Reficul back to Hell?" Grell panicked. 

"He is doing his job then," William sighed. "Is there really a problem with that?" 

"You know how happy he is here!" Grell snapped. "Of course there is a problem with that! How would you like to be thrown into that shitstorm and stay there?" 

"You're one of those...angel things... right? Can you take me to him?" Vincent asked. 

"You want me to take you to Hell?" William stared. "For what purpose?" 

"To get him back! Obviously!" 

"I was sent here to bring him to Hell, now you want me to bring him out of Hell?" William shook his head. "I can't do that." 

"You can't go against Daddy's great big plan, hm?" Grell slammed her hand down on the counter of the bar. "And what about your brother? The one person you actually know exists for sure and cares about you more than that fake parent in the sky!" 

"Watch your language, please," William advised. 

"Or what? You going to send me back to Hell too?" Grell snapped. 

"Let's say I do help you," William gestured to Vincent. "Do you know what that means for me?" he asked. "I would have to stay in Hell in my brother's place." 

"W-what?" Grell took a step back. 

"My wings can't handle going to Hell and coming back. I would be stuck there with nothing else to do but govern in Reficul's place." 

"That's..." Grell covered her mouth with her hand. "That's absolutely horrid." 

"Are you asking me to do that for you, Vincent?" 

"Okay, you know what?" Vincent clapped his hands. "Why don't you just show me the portal or something? I'll go myself." 

"You wouldn't survive the fall," Grell sighed.

"Well if he won't take me," Vincent gestured to William. "And I can't jump into a portal," he gestured to himself. "How the fuck am I supposed to help Reficul, hm? Anyone have any goddamn ideas?!" 

"Alright," William stood up. "I'll take you." 

"What?" Grell grabbed William's arm. "You can't do that." 

"There aren't any alternatives." 


William lifted his hand and patted Grell's head. "It's okay, really." 

"Eh?" Grell's face contorted in pain. "Don't say that while looking like that. I know you're lying." 

"Angels can't lie," William stared.

"I don't believe you-" 

"Are you really okay with this?" Vincent asked. 

"Let's go," William picked up Vincent and outstretched his deformed wings. Grell reached out to grab his arm but the two disappeared before she got the chance. 

"Fuck!" Grell sobbed, kicking the counter. "Fuck!" she yelled, breaking all of the glass containers in sight. 


"The screams are really something, aren't they?" Vincent cringed. 

"The scent of the damned doesn't get any better," William replied. 

"Oh god," Vincent coughed. "That's horrid." 

"Nothing great about Hell." 

"What are you doing here?" Reficul's voice rang out but he hid his face behind his wing. "Why did you take him here?!" he asked William. 

"He asked me to, for one, and-" William shook his head, not providing the rest of the reason. 

"You left!" Vincent started shaking, the fear of being in Hell actually sinking into his bones even if his brain didn't catch up. "I never even got to answer you and you just left!" 

"Look at you, you're terrified," Reficul gestured. "Why are you here?" 

"I am damn well terrified! Yes!" Vincent snapped. "Because this is all really damn terrifying! I'm just a human, okay? Sorry to break it to you! I don't have supernatural abilities and I didn't even believe in the afterlife or whatever the fuck until a few days ago! But you know what else is really terrifying?" Vincent ran forward and grabbed Reficul's wing, moving some feathers to the side to stare at his face. "You disappearing off the face of the earth!" 

"Don't look at me..." Reficul tried to hide his face in his hands but Vincent grabbed them and moved them away. 

"You're insufferable. Very selfish. Narcissistic. And quite the flirt!" Vincent snapped at him. "But you're also really sweet when you want to be and you did get shot for me the one time so-" Vincent's voice choked a bit. "I think I would like to date you." 

"Are you serious?" 

"I'm only a human so I probably can't live up to your expectations and you most definitely will live longer than me but my kids kind of like you too so-" Reficul cut Vincent off with a kiss. His deformed face shifting back into the face Vincent knew and recognized. 

"Ahem," William cleared his throat. "Will you two be returning to earth now?" 

"Brother..." Reficul stared at William's wings withering away. 

"I think I'll take your position for a while," William smiled a bit. 

"Thank you..." Reficul picked up Vincent in his arms and flew away. 

William sat down on the throne in his place and crossed his legs. He leaned arm against his knee and rested his chin in his hand. William sighed. "What an absolute nightmare. Does he not know how to organize anything?" he scoffed. 

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