Preliminary Partnership - Part III

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"Oh, so you do clean up nicely," Reficul grinned, grabbing a piece of lint off the top of Vincent's shoulder. A beautiful striped blue vest to match his lovely shade of hair. A shirt unbuttoned at the top, revealing those delectable clavicles. Mm. Yes. This could be very entertaining.

"I suppose under normal circumstances, I would take that as a compliment but coming from you, I doubt you mean what you say," Vincent smiled and brushed past the guards to get inside the den of drug lords. Rachel was right. Lau did know Irene and they needed to find out how close the two were.

"I do like the change in attitude," Reficul grinned. "Feeling a bit snippy about the conversation with the wifey? Oh, my bad, I mean ex-wifey," he snickered, knowing how much of a bastard he was. But, he wanted Vincent to remember he was single and readily available for a certain demon to swoop in.

"There is no point in being undercover if people know who I am," Vincent slid his hand down Reficul's arm and smirked. "And she isn't my ex-wife yet, sweetie," he snapped back.

"Oh my, you really have changed," Reficul let out a hearty laugh as his head tilted to the side. "Lau is over there, by the way, the one with two beautiful women on his arms."

"Is he bi?" Vincent asked.

"Hm? Why is that-"

"Is he?"

"Maybe? He isn't very picky as far a- wait, where are you going?" Reficul could only watch as Vincent made his way over to Lau. The detective smiled. Was he...? No, he couldn't be. Flirting? Really? But he has no charm! How dare he! Reficul was more and more lost about the nature of Vincent's character. Which one was the real Vincent? Mr. Hard Worker or Mr. Severe Flirt?

Vincent laughed and waved to Lau before walking back over to Reficul. He sat down on the barstool next to him. "Still think I have no charm, Mr. Venus?"

"I take it all back. You're much more interesting than you let on. So, did you find out anything juicy?" Reficul rested his chin on his hand and grinned.

"He said he knew a guy which means I have a new lead. Thank you for your time, Mr. Venus, I appreciate you getting me into this place." Vincent tapped his fingers against the bar table, itching to leave but tempted to stay.

"So, that's it then? I can't follow you around like a little puppy anymore?" Reficul pouted, hoping that in some way he would tug at Vincent's heartstrings.

"You never had permission, to begin with."

"So, you won't do anything to stop me?"

"I already have," Vincent chuckled and walked off. Reficul moved to stand up, only to see his handcuffed to the barstool. "Clever," he called after Vincent. "I do prefer these in bed though," he snickered, amused at all the shocked faces looking his way. "What? You don't?"

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