Confuzzling Confusion - Part I

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"You what?" Grell spat out his drink. 

"I need you to throw that knife at me," Reficul pointed and then held his arms out by his sides. He was half-naked and on the last thread of his sanity. 

"Is there a reason for this or have you become a masochist without my knowing?" Grell grabbed the knife and then threw it. It bounced off of Reficul and then fell to the floor. He ran over to the mirror and tried to reveal his demon face. 

"It's back?" he frowned, returning to normal. 

"What is wrong with you?" Grell frowned. 

"The detective can wound me and my devil face doesn't show itself around him."

"That's...strange...and a bit concerning. Maybe you shouldn't hang around him again," Grell offered. 

"Have you considered," William crossed his legs and turned the page on the newspaper he was reading, "that perhaps you're falling in love with this detective and his perception of you is altering your real self? Humans do have an uncanny ability to alter things with faith alone. Or, maybe it's the power of love," he rolled his eyes. 

"You don't even believe in love, asshole, and what are you still doing here?" Grell threw a glass at his head, and he avoided it. 

"I have been assigned the task of bringing Adrian back home. I cannot leave until my mission is completed." 

"Reficul," Reficul and Grell both glared and corrected him. 

"I highly doubt that love has anything to do with this, after all," Reficul stared at himself in the mirror, "I'm kind of immune to that." 

"I wouldn't be so sure," William stood up and walked towards Reficul. He stared into his eyes in that dead-panned way of his. He looked as if he could see into the darkest corners of his mind. "You've always been the type to be very emotional." 

"Allow me to tell you something, brother dearest," Reficul took a step forward invading what little personal space was between them. "You might think that you're here for some special mission given to you by Daddy but there is one small thing you're forgetting," Reficul eyed him up and down, tempted to press his finger into his chest but he refrained. "You've never known fear. You've always been one of the favorite children." 


Reficul's eyes flared and he grabbed William's shirt collar. He pressed him up against the wall and glared coldly into his eyes. "I'm only going to tell you one more time," he seethed, "do. Not. Call. Me. That." 

William's eyes flared as well. He grabbed Reficul's hands and tore them off of his collar. Time stopped around them as a faint glowing light emitted from his eyes to form a sort of smoke. "It would behoove you to realize the position you are in, brother," his eye twitched. "Your vacation is over. Your playtime is done. Go back to Hell where you belong."

"Or what?" Reficul's hair began to defy gravity as his own eyes glowed and emitted smoke. "Are you going to take me there yourself?" he scoffed. "You? The same angel that can't even stand the stench of that place?" 

"Father de-"

"Oh, yes, Daddy said so. I know. Do you know what else Daddy said? He asked you to-" 

"Silence!" William's eyes flared up as he yelled. Ultimately, he took a deep breath and resumed time again. "I will remain here until you go to where you belong. If you wish to be rid of me, then go back to Hell." 

"Have you ever been to Hell, William?" Grell poured himself another glass and stared at the angel. "Do you know what it's like there? Oh, right, I'm sorry, you're a fucking pompous ass angel in your perfect little dream world. You don't know a damned thing about what it's like!" Grell grabbed a knife from under the bar and threw it at him. It grazed a piece of his hair and went into the wall behind him. 

William adjusted his glasses and then crossed his arms. "No, I haven't, I'm not a demon, after all." 

Something snapped inside Grell at that moment and he jumped over the bar and pounced on William. He grabbed his neck and pinned him to the ground. William's stone-cold expression remained neutral with the exception of a small curve to the side of his mouth. "As much as I can understand your resentment," William began. "You must know that you can't kill me in this manner." 

"No," Grell's eye twitched. "But I sure as fucking Hell can torture you." 

"That could be entertaining," William grabbed Grell's wrists and tore his hands off of his neck. He turned them over, now pinning Grell to the ground. "However, I would prefer it if you didn't." Grell struggled underneath William but each time he pushed his hands even an inch off of the ground, William pushed them back down with double the force. Grell growled, glaring all the more. 

"As much as it is thrilling watching you two flirt so violently," Reficul clapped his hands together. "I'm off to solve my mysteries with the detective. Try to clean up your messes when you're done with, well, whatever it is you end up doing. Whether it be torture, sex, both, I don't want to see the results of what takes place," Reficul waved and exited, leaving the two alone. 

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