🎮 chapt. 1 🎮

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your pov:

you've never been more proud of yourself. i mean you learned from last year and requested afternoon classes instead of classes that started at 7am. i mean who even gets up that early. but it was once again another semester studying to complete your major, design and animation.

overall it was art based but your drawing and animations always looked so ethereal and magical. your teacher last year even recommended staying in the animation buisness. but you also liked doing art for videogames so you didn't know what you were going to do when you graduated.

you decided that now was better of a time than any to get ready. 1 pm, an hour before your game design class. it was a class that both people from your major and the kids who coded video games. their major was close to yours but you never talked to any of them. of course you had your close friend, hanaki with you.

hanaki ishiwaka is one of your only friends and a chemistry major. of course he had plenty of friends but according to him you are, "a refreshing person to hang out with" because apparently youre a chill person and only talk when needed. which wasnt a lie. you talked to him alot believe me, but you definitely aren't the type to talk non-stop.

 you talked to him alot believe me, but you definitely aren't the type to talk non-stop

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this is what hanaki looks like (this is my oc that i made for a future project)

making your way to the tech building for the first time this semester, you made your way to the class you were supposed to be at and to prevent disrupting anyone's peace before class starts you opened your monster can outside of the class room

walking into the class you saw a couple of people, some obviously first years seeing as they're dressed in something other than sweatpants and some sort of shirt. you were wearing sweatpants and a hoodie.

looking for a place to sit you see a boy with longish hair mostly black with blonde tips. he was wearing sweatpants and an oversized t shirt and was playing on some sort of game console. making your way to a seat close to the middle of the room you sat down ready to fall back asleep. you were up last night working on a recent animation and didn't sleep until 5am.

chugging half of your monster some guy sat next to you. taking a look at him he was very pretty. he noticed you looking at him and smiled.

"hello, im akaashi keiji nice to meet you" you returned the smile and noticed the two-toned haired kid from earlier pop his head up.

"hi.. im l/n y/n.." you had mumbled it but he heard you.

"nice to meet you l/n-san" you smiled and noticed the kid from earlier looking at you. he quickly looked away and akaashi had looked at him as well when he noticed the confused look on your face.

"oh thats kozume-san"

"if you know him you can go sit with him, i wouldnt mind.."

"are you sure?"

VIDEOGAME ARTIST • Kenma Kozume x Reader (Haikyuu)Where stories live. Discover now