🎮 chapt. 10 🎮

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your pov:

you and kenma were making your way to a cat cafe for breakfast. you ended up taking kenmas phone, per kuroos request, because he was internally panicking about the stream and you could tell.

kuroo had texted you a little bit before you guys went to head out saying something about how he saw the stream and that most media platforms were blowing up and he didnt want kenma to see it. kuroo was on his way to meet up with you guys, bringing hanaki of course.

"why cant i have my phone exactly?"

"kuroo said so"

"its bad isnt it..?"

"apparently so.. i havent looked yet."

"so what are we gonna do about it?"

"why dont we wait for kuroo and hanaki to show up.. then figure something out? usually i say its your problem cause its your channel but this is my fault to"

"how so?"

"i told you to stream, and i was the one who was cuddling you"

"why were you cuddling me exactly?" kenma had smiled a little bit and you were glad to get his mind off of things.

"you're comfy and like a cat how could i not?"

"speaking of cats..."

"lets go pet them!!"

you ended up dragging kenma to the sun room that they had for the cats, while in there you could see kuroo and hanaki across the street and they waved at you. soon you guys met up at the table and you gave kenma his phone back.



jesus fucking christ" you decided to see what was happening to to find 15 thousand new followers and almost triple that in notifications from comments and likes on your posts.

"wow kenma i got myself some more simps.. look" kenma giggled but you could tell it was strained.

"so what exactly are we going to do about this.. we cant exactly say were just friends.."

"then dont say anything" everyone looked at hanaki with a deadpan expression.

"what?! if you say something its just going to make it worse unless you say you guys are dating. so just dont say anything" he shrugged and took a sip of his boba.

"mmm.. we could just tell them were dating wouldnt it get you more views or whatever?" you looked at kenma and he furrowed his brows.

"maybe but im not sure.." you looked at him and decided to make a very dumb decision

"then how about we go on an actual date and see from there." everyone choked on their drinks and it was dead silent. you panicked and you panicked hard.

"i mean just think about it! you dont have to tell them were dating just say that were talking and taking our time!" your face was slightly red and you were panicking until kuroo chuckled.

"shes right, you could just tell your fans that you guys are just talking and taking your time. i mean its that or say nothing."

everyone took a minute to try and think until kenma sighed and put his face in his hands. you took a long sip of your iced tea and a bite of your crepes before kenma nodded.

"alright i guess i can just say we're taking things slow but i cant exactly just tweet it.."

"you guys could do a stream. do something "coupley" while answering questions?"

VIDEOGAME ARTIST • Kenma Kozume x Reader (Haikyuu)Where stories live. Discover now