Epilogue: A Vow

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A/n: By the time this is published, this book will be my VERY FIRST book to ever be completed on my account. I would like to thank all of you who gave this book a shot, despite my inexperience in writing. Anyways, let's end this book, shall we.


I opened my eyes, waking up in a familiar room. Wait, this is the room I stayed in when....

The door opened to reveal Vanilla, holding some tea.

Vanilla: Oh! You're awake.

Blitz: Wh-What happene-AH!!!

I tried sitting up, but it hurt to move. Vanilla gently pushed me back down onto the bed.

Vanilla: You're not in any condition to get up yet. Your wounds aren't healed.

Blitz: W-Wait. Where is everyone?

Vanilla: Cream and Cheese are in their room. Shadow is just outside. And strangely, that Eggman is here too. Aren't you enemies?

Blitz: Long story. Could you call them all in here, please.

Vanilla: Alright then. I'll be right back with them.

Vanilla left the room. All I really did was stare out the window while waiting. A few minutes later, Cream, Cheese, Shadow, and Robotnik walked in.

Eggman: Hey, kiddo.

Shadow: You doing alright?

Blitz: I......I don't know.

Cream and Cheese came over to give me a gentle hug.

Cream: Were sorry about Blaze. She was my friend too.

I don't think she knew about our....improved relationship, but then again, she's a child so it makes sense. I hugged back.

Blitz: Thanks, Cream. You too Cheese.

We separated the hug.

Eggman: By the way, we all got something for ya.

He pulled out a book.

Eggman: We all could tell how you were gonna feel about being separated from Blaze and all, so we made this.

He held out the book, and I grabbed it.

Blitz: What is it?

Shadow smiled slightly.

Shadow: You'll see.

I notice the title say "Blitz + Blaze". I opened the book and I was taken back. It was full of pictures from all our moments together. Our battles against Robotnik, our time at Cream's house (Where we are right now), our first kiss, and.......

Blitz: Ok, first off, who decided to spy on us when I was talking to Blaze about my past?

No response.......until Cream slowly took out a camera.

Cream: It made a good picture for the book when you hugged Blaze. It was cute.

Blitz: Nevermind then. Second off......this is really good. I assume it was your idea, Cream. Since you have the camera.

Cream: Yeah! I thought you'd miss Blaze like I do, so I made a photo book with all the pictures I took on our adventures together.

Cream was always so sweet about these things. Whenever someone was sad, she'd do anything to cheer them up, so long as it's morally good. That may be why I like her so much.

Blitz: Thank you, Cream. This is the best gift anyone has given me. So....

I took out a familiar object from my past: The medal gifted to me from Violet.

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