chapter ! four

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hoon >:( / jake

hey hoon
can i rant on you abt something?


i am in this dance class with some of my friends
and they are so good!
but then there's me...
i feel like i'm useless.

jake |

wait, don't type lemme finish
our dance teacher told us we are doing a competition in three weeks and not all of us will make it
y'know, i really would love to do it!
but everyone's better than me :(

don't downgrade yourself jake
i'm pretty sure you're giving all of you instead of doing something else for those dance classes
if you show that you're putting a lot of efforts in what you're doing, your dance instructor will see!
don't struggle alone, ask someone to practice with you or smth

woo hoon!
tysm for those words!!!
yeah, i will eventually ask niki or daniel


i would like to say the words u told me to sunghoon :(


because he looks down on himself a lot!
i see the disappointed face when he eventually falls during his performance
but i saw from the head every performance he did and he improved a lot!
as far as i can tell, in the near time he will complete his jump perfectly

maybe he needs more practice.

probably, but that's a thing that me & you can't tell
i mean, you hate ice skating, right?

yeah, i do.

then which sport do u do?

i don't do any sport
i just study

aw :(
taking online classes is annoying, you can't find any friend
isn't life boring like that?


well, at least you have me :)

i have you |
i have y |
i ha |

mh, an annoying guy who keeps popping in my chats

how entertaining 😭😭

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