023 extra; like smoke in the wind

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jaeyun did not know how he had ended up blindfolded, guided by sunghoon's gentle touch on his shoulder, the coldness of his hands penetrating his clothes making him shiver.

"are you sure you're not taking me into the woods to kill me?" jaeyun suddenly asked, earning a small chuckle from the taller. it was hard to make him smile but it seemed that jaeyun was a master at that.

"nope, just trust me." they walked for a long time more, jaeyun felt like an idiot and hoped that no one was giving him a dirty look if they were ever walking down a street. but, not hearing the sound of traffic, he discarded that idea.

not long after, jaeyun felt a weight on his shoulder that made him lose his balance and sit on something soft, like a cushioned chair

sunghoon giggled seeing how jaeyun's lips parted in a mixture of confusion and surprise "be a good boy and do not remove it." he said referring to the bends on his eyes, his tone was rather scolding but also sweet

he was always sweet if it was for jaeyun.

"mh, sure dad."

jaeyun stood there waiting, he didn't know where sunghoon had taken him but he felt his body shiver at times despite it being spring. he began rubbing his palms on the fabric of the jeans he was wearing to try to warm himself.

shortly after, he heard a quiet, continuous noise that sounded familiar, but not seeing he could not tell what it was. sunghoon's voice came from somewhere in front of him "you can take it off now."

jaeyun did as said, first removing one eye noticing that the place where sunghoon had taken him was the ice rink. jaeyun smiled warmly and sunghoon could swear it was like the sun.

if he ever had to close his eyes forever, one day, he wished the last thing he sees would be jaeyun's smile

as soon as jaeyun freed both of his eyes, sunghoon began to talk "today it's our first anniversary but i didn't really know what to gift you..." he scratched the back of his head in embarassment "so, the only thing that came up to my mind is to skate for you."

jaeyun knew how much it meant to sunghoon to ice skate, and even more to do it for someone. sunghoon's confidence was even below his feet so he was very embarassed when he skated in front of someone he knew who wasn't his mother or his coach.

yet, when he skated in front of jaeyun everything felt different. adrenalina grew inside him, giving him the energy to break the stage and win almost every competition he did once he knew jaeyun.

it felt like yesterday when an annoying and dumb boy slipped into his dms and began to torture him, trying to befriend him. thinking about it now, would it have been different if he said the truth from the very beginning?

he shook his head, trying to snatch those thoughts and concentrate.

under jaeyun's glance, he reached the middle of the ice rink and prepared the position. as soon as the music began, he moved along with the notes of the piano.

it didn't take long to jaeyun to figure out what song it was; river flows in you. jaeyun's favourite.

without him realising, his lip curved into a smile as he watched his boyfriend skating. he moved with so much flow, he felt like a bird flying. like smoke in the wind, he felt intoxicated by sunghoon's figure, falling for him more and more.

he was wearing a blue shirt and a pair of black trousers, he looked angelic. ethereal, jaeyun thought. sunghoon was such a rare beauty that he often believed he wasn't even human, an angel fallen into earth just to light up jaeyun's life.

he looked at him in awe, as if he was froze in the spot by the cold weather in the ice rink, to maintain its composture.

the music stopped as sunghoon spun for something that looked like twenty times. jaeyun didn't really know, he lost the count. he wondered how could he not feel dizzy.

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