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Have you ever just felt like your losing everyone and everything? I don't know why but it's always at night that I get that feeling like I'm losing all my friends or that they just don't want me around anymore. I know that some days I can be annoying and clingy and forgetful, but I can't change that that's who I am. I'm annoying cause when I'm home I get told to shut up or get yelled at and being told I'm annoying. I'm clingy because everyone I have ever loved has either died or walked away. Honestly I don't know why I'm forgetful I just always have been I guess and I say I guess because I don't remember when I was little I remember bits and pieces but that's it. Going back to feeling like I'm losing everyone I think that my just be me actually losing everyone. My friends hardly ever talk to me anymore and if they go to do something fun I don't get invited anymore. They just seem to be pulling away more and more and I guess that's appropriate I mean we're in high school isn't that what happens. You get to high school and your friends start to drift away to were your strangers again. That's what I've been taught at least. I just don't feel like I'm as important to them as they are to me.

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