Chapter 1

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-at the Poseidon Base-

(everyone is having a party following Reiji's return)

Everyone: Cheers!

(then they drink the juice)

Satoshi: So, how was Mars?

Reiji: It was amazing, Mars has complete its own base, it also has a Bio Ground which has plants growing inside.

Yota: But, it's miraculous, Mars having a base like that.

Hatsume: Of course, right after the Defence Force has established new bases and tech, some of them moved to Mars.

Koichi: So, the Defence Force decided to have some facilities on other planets as well.

Shuka: Not only Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, Saturn and Venus have Defence Force Bases as well.

Ryusei: But, you're lucky that they chose you to observe.

Reiji: Don't worry, all of you can come, once it's the terraforming is complete.

Shuka: Really?

Reiji: Yeah.

(then he look at his hand)

Reiji: If Zillion can see this now.

(then Shuka look at Reiji with concern)

Koichi: Anyway, we've have a new mission. And I've ask her to help out.

(then a lady with glasses, in her Defence Force uniform with navy blue hair came in)

Koichi: She's Igasaki Asuna, she's in charge of the Defence Force Excavation Team.

Asuna: Please to meet you.

Reiji: Hey, who's Asuna?

Yota: You don't know, she's been researching of the Stone of Baradhi. She's in charge of observing the stone.

Satoshi: So, where's the stone?

Asuna: It's at the ancients ruins of the cavern. At Area G6.

Koichi: Good, Reiji and Satoshi will take the Zeet. While Ryusei, Yota, Shuka and Hatsume will take the Bison.

Everyone: Bison?

Hatsume: It's a new vehicle which the Defence Force has given us.

Koichi: Reiji, Satoshi, Professor Asuna will come with you. MAO, move out!

Everyone: Roger!

(then they head to the Zeet and the new vehicle, Bison)

Yota: That's the Bison?

Hatsume: Of course! It also has a laser which can...

Ryusei: Explanations for later, we have to go!

Hatsume: Right!

(then they head into the vehicles and head to the ruins)

-at the ruins-

(the Zeet and Bison arrived as they head into the ruins)

Asuna: This is the place.

Shuka: It's so big.

Hatsume: It's in there?

Asuna: Yes.

???: Igasaki, what're you doing?

(then a man came in with the same outfit as Asuna's)

Asuna: Senpai.

Reiji: Who's that?

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